The First GOSS Internal Academic Seminar
Sept. 26, 2012 - Hong Kong
The three-day First GOSS Internal Academic Seminar has been successfully concluded in Hong Kong today.
At the seminar, the research team of GOSS conducted thorough discussion and consultation in varied topics related to private equity (PE) investment, including the status quo of its theoretical research, the construction of the mathematical model and the selection of variables for PE research. Besides, the team has confirmed the research objective, research approach, and detailed medium-term research plan of GOSS.
Mr. Wei Chen, chairman of Shenzhen Oriental Fortune Capital Management Co., Ltd (OFC), one of the strategic cooperation partners of GOSS, addressed the seminar and shared his view on the current development of PE industry in China. At the end of his speech, Mr. Chen indicated that he will provide upmost support for GOSS and wished GOSS's research plan a great success.

GOSS Experts Retreats held in Beijing
April 13, 2013 - Beijing
An Experts Retreats dedicated to deliberate over details about the forthcoming GOSS global conference was held Friday in Beijing, with participation of guests from in and abroad as well as GOSS representatives.
The meeting came to a preliminary consensus that the first GOSS global conference (GOSS Forum) is scheduled to be held in late October this year in Hong Kong. Experts and GOSS representatives also generally agreed on the conference’s theme, purpose, and scale, etc.
Experts who attended the gathering included Prof. L.Jeff Hong from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Prof. Wei Jiang from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Prof. Henry Wu from the University of Liverpool, and Prof. Dongling Xu and Prof. Jianbo Yang from the University of Manchester.

The First GOSS PE Forum Inaugurated in Hong Kong
Oct. 18, 2013 - Hong Kong
The First GOSS International Forum on Private Equity was successfully convened in Hong Kong on 18th October, 2013. This forum was jointly-organized by GOSS Institute of Research Management Ltd and the Financial Engineering Laboratory at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and was sponsored by Manchester Business School of the University of Manchester, and Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The theme of this forum is "Decision-Making in PE Investment".

Mr. Quanjian Gao, Chairman of GOSS Forum, made a welcome speech at the opening ceremony of GOSS Forum. In his speech, he mention the purpose of holding GOSS forum is that the development of PE sectors is currently facing great challenges in China and worldwide, and the solutions of these challenges may arise from innovations. Mr. Gao believes that innovation requires freedom of thought and it is out of this reason that GOSS organizing committee spend more than one year organizing this cross-border forum, with a view to establish an interactive platform to share our respective research results and practical experience, and make a positive impact on the PE industry in China and worldwide.

The First GOSS Forum invited more than 40 renowned International scholars in related academic areas and prominent senior managers with extensive experience in the PE industry and outstanding academic backgrounds. The speakers include: Cheng Siwei, the Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, and Dean of the School of Management of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Mr. Charles Li, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and former President of Merrill Lynch China; Mr. Anthony Leung, Senior Managing Director and Chairman of Blackstone Greater China of The Blackstone Group and former Financial Secretary of Hong Kong; Prof. Tim Jenkinson, head of the finance faculty at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford; Prof. Emanuel Derman, Director of Financial Engineering Program at Columbia University; Prof. Steven Kou, Director for the Centre for Quantitative Finance at National University of Singapore; Mr. Ma Jun, Managing Director and Chief Economist for Greater China at Deutsche Bank; Mr. Yichen Zhang, Chairman and Chief Executive officer at CITIC capital; Mr. David Chin, Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking Asia at UBS; Mr. Henry Cai, Executive Chairman of Corporate Finance Asia at Deutsche Bank; Ms. Stephanie Hui, Head of Merchant Banking in Asia Pacific Ex-Japan at Goldman Sachs; Mr. Tim Craighead, Director of Asian Research and Senior Gaming Analyst at Bloomberg Industries; Mr. Haitao Jin, Chairman of Shenzhen Capital Group; Mr. Wei Chen, CEO and Co-founder of Shenzhen Oriental Fortune Capital Management Co., Ltd; Prof. Stan Lan from DeVry University and Prof. Fangyu Fei from Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Prof. Lin Lin from National Chi Nan University etc.

At the same time, the First Goss Forum also gathered the deans of several internationally prestigious Business school, including Prof. Peter Tufano, Dean at Saïd Business School of University of Oxford, Prof. Lin Zhou, Dean of Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prof. Kalok Chan, Acting Dean of Business School of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Prof. Houmin Yan, Dean of College of Business of City University of Hong Kong.

Prof. Siwei Cheng:Challenges and Opportunities Facing the PE Industry after the Financial Crisis
2013-10-18 - Hong Kong
Prof. Siwei Cheng, former Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, and current Dean of the School of Management of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is the first speaker of Goss Forum. He gave a keynote speech on the development and current situation of PE industry in China after the opening ceremony of Goss Forum.

Prof. Cheng suggested that there are three stages of PE investment in China. The first stage started from 2000, when he worked at the National People’s Congress and they had a preliminary at Ningbo discussing the legislation of the investment fund law. During that time, he suggested that the investment law should include three parts, the first one is security fund, second is industrial fund, and third is venture capital fund. The second stage is from 2005 to 2009, during which, security law, company law and partnership law had been revised, and in the law of partnership, the limited partnership was added during the revise. It is worthy noticing that there left a leeway in the security law and company law for the future development of PE, because they are allowed to have 200 shareholders. The domestic PE mainly followed the limited partnership law and the company law, and foreign PE can invest in China case by case. Before 2009, the major part is foreign funds. After the financial crisis in 2009, the situation is changed. The domestic PE grew up because of the stimulus package, and it was originally planned about 4 trillion but was actually released 10 trillion RMB in 2009 to the market so that domestic PE had very fast growth.
Prof. Cheng pointed out that since last year, PE had faced serious challenges. First, the exit channel is narrowed because IPO stopped so the PE can only exit through M&A. Second, the return of PE investment is reducing. What should we do to cope with these challenges? “We certainly still need to wait for some time for the IPO, I don’t’ think it would be long, but the problem is that the confidence of the investors is now relatively low, so I think that the stock market in China will recover but very slowly , and the E/P ratio will not be so high as before. The exit for M&A may be a little better because the valuation more objective and at this time we need to have very good GP.”
What is the high qualified GP and what problems do the current GP face? Prof. Cheng made three points: one is the feasibility studies. In the past, the most GP feasibility study only looked at the technical and economic sides, and that is far from enough. He put forward six feasibilities, technical, economic, legal, operational and schedule and last but not least political feasibility and carefully evaluate the opinions of the government, company and the communities.GP should also apply Dynamic asset pricing and look at what the future of the company. Second is that GP should provide more value-added service to the company they invest in, which means they should help the company not only in finance but also the marketing, technology and management. Last is that GP should pay attention to fostering famous brands. Because the pricing of a product is cost plus profit. But for famous brand, the company’s reputation can bring much more return than usual manufacturing cost.
In addition, Prof. Cheng talked about the shortage of high qualified LP in China. “We are gradually encouraging National Social Security Fund to invest in PE but they still have some hesitations because of the risk consideration. In our insurance fund, especially in our life insurance fund, we need to encourage very good LP to cooperate with PE. Lastly, fund of fund is now more needed in China, and we should invest different funds to reduce the risks and get a reasonable return.”
Finally, Prof. Cheng indicated that the legal issue about PE fund in the fund law is now under discussion and will be supervised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and is expected to be passed next year.

Prof. Tim Jenkinson :How Useful Is Past Performance When Picking Funds
2013-10-18 - Hong Kong
Professor of Finance and head of the finance faculty at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford; Director of the Oxford Private Equity Institute, Prof. Tim Jenkinson gave a keynote speech on “ How Useful Is Past Performance When Picking Funds” on the first day of the Goss Forum.

Prof. Jenkinson suggested that there are two big decisions people have to make when involved in PE industry. First of all, what are the returns from PE over a long period of time? Second is how to people actually choose the PE funds? What indicators can we use? One of the established standards in the west is that fund performance tends to be persistent over time, therefore, one of the ways the investors use is to invest in previously high performing funds. In a recent research, they analyzed whether the private equity has performance persistence.
This research focused on complete deals and collected a set of data including the detailed cash flows of each deal. The data covers investments of 726 buyout funds in 10,637 portfolio companies made from 1974-2010, and they are split evenly between US and Europe (362 US, 325 Europe) with 39 from Asia. This research divided the fund performance into four categories: top, above average, below average and flop and take into consideration of GP experience and market maturity (early:1981-1998, late:1999-2006).
The result shows that, in the early PE market, top GPs generally show performance persistence, that is to say, the past good performance of PE will continue in the future, but this persistence will disappear at the late PE market. However, the bad GP shows persistence both in the early and late PE market, but the persistence is relatively low at the late PE />
Prof. Jenkinson further explained that the result shows that it is not advisable to choose PE fund based on the past performance and LP investors should be more focused on organizational structure, competitiveness, and incentive when they select funds. Besides, when evaluating the GP performance, LP should look carefully at the amount of investment of each deal, like “ who did the deals and what is the situation of the deals” and use these strategies to select PE fund.

Professor Emanuel Derman: Ways of Knowing
2013-10-18 Hong Kong
Professor Emanuel Derman, Director financial engineering of Columbia University, and also the Head of Risk and a partner at Prisma Capital Partners gave a keynote speech on “Ways of Knowing” in the afternoon.

Prof. Derman started with the reflections upon the understanding of gravitation and planetary movements. For millennia after the Geeks, scientists’ prejudices led them describe all planetary movements in terms of circles about a stationary earth. Then Galileo pointed out that the earth orbited the sun. In the early 1600s Kepler formulated three astonishing laws of planetary motion. Finally Newton discovered the theory of gravitation and laws of motion. Prof. Derman used these examples to explain how to make intuition develop theory and model and the correlation between data and model. He further explained the financial models regarding pricing and the right way to use valuation models.

The second day of the inaugural GOSS Forum: gathering of the elite in the private equity industry to explore market and industry transformation issues
2013-10-19 Hong Kong
On the second day of First GOSS Forum, the conference was not confined to Individual speech only and was conducted in the form of round –table meetings. Topics like PE market and industry transformation were covered and thoroughly discussed. The participants include: Mr. Xiaojia Li, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; Mr. Antony K. Leung, Chairman of Greater China of the Blackstone Group; Mr. Yichen Zhang, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CITIC Capital Holdings Limited; Ms. Stephanie Hui, Head of the Merchant Banking Division in Asia Pacific Ex-Japan, Goldman Sachs.

During the discussion, Mr.Xiaojia Li pointed out that the capital market of mainland and Hongkong are coming to a critical point of interconnection. To be specific, the capital market in the two areas will speed up interconnection in the next two years, and Hong Kong market will play a different role,changing from a “capital- export oriented market which focused on raising money for the Chinese enterprises” to a “capital market in all aspects which can make preparations for the Chinese market”, and “PE investors will see the huge market change when they exit”.

At the same time, Mr.Xiaojia Li also said that for PE company , the peak times of IPO has passed and now has entered the difficult times and PE company face lots of challenges when they exit. Mr. Antony K. Leung agreed “In China, PE industry has entered the winter period” ”PE industry has to change”. Mr. Antony K. Leung used the American and European mature market’s experience and Blackstone’s own experience as examples and made a few suggestions on exit via M&A, PE pricing, leverage level and management of target companies. He emphasized that, PE market in China should transform from the past extensive management mode, and provide more strategic and operational assistance and service after the investment. “PE will have vigorous development only if it creates value for the invested company”, Mr. Leung said.

Ms. Stephanie Hui expressed her agreement with the view of Mr. Leung. She also shared specific cases on "management after investing" of Goldman Sachs.

GOSS Research Workshop on Evidential Reasoning
Dec. 20, 2013 - Hong Kong
The first GOSS Research Workshop on Evidential Reasoning was held this Friday at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with participation of Prof. Stan Lan, Academic Dean at DeVry University of United States, Prof. Jeff Hong, Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management at HKUST, Dr. Dennis Wu and students from HKUST.

2014 GOSS Workshop: Evidential Reasoning Rule
Apr. 23, 2014 - Hong Kong
The second GOSS Research Workshop on Evidential Reasoning Rule was held this Wednesday at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with participation of Mr. Quanjian Gao of GOSS Institute of Research Management, Prof. Jianbo Yang and Prof. Dongling Xu of University of Manchester, Prof. Henry Wu of University of Liverpool, Prof. Jeff Hong of HKUST, Dr. Dennis Wu and students from HKUST.
In this workshop, Prof. Jianbo Yang gave a keynote speech on “From Bayesian Inference to Evidential Reasoning for Decision Making under Uncertainty”, then had lively discussion of relevant academic questions. According to the Evidential Reasoning Rule, Dr. Dennis Wu made a pilot study in Private Equity investment field, and shared his preliminary result.

Meanwhile, Prof. Jeff Hong made a speech in this workshop, titled as “Analysts Performance Persistency: A Preliminary Study on the Chinese Public Equity”.

GOSS and BVCA Had In-Depth Discussions about Strategic Cooperation
June 30, 2014 - London
Mr. Bin Zheng, the Vice President of GOSS Institute of Research Management, met June 30th with Mr. Leon de Bono, Director of Investor Relations and Commercial Development of the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA), at the latter’s headquarters in London, where they had in-depth discussions about shared strategic cooperation intentions.

Mr. Bono brought up and highly appreciated the first GOSS Forum held in Hong Kong last year, and he agreed with the academic and industrial influence of speakers participated. He also made specific mention of the research collaboration for the healthy development of private equity between GOSS and business schools of the Manchester University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the City University of Hong Kong, which he considered of great promoting effect to the industry.
Meanwhile, Mr. Bono expressed great interest in the private equity trading platform to be launched by GOSS. He explained that BVCA is also committed to promoting cooperation between PE and commercial projects, and between GP and LP. Last year, BVCA helped a group of GP fund management companies from China complete docking cooperation with LP companies from the UK and other European countries.
GOSS and BVCA also reached a consensus that on-line training, GP-LP docking, helping European funds enter China and vise versa, admitting new members in Asia for BVCA, and holding research and forums could be possible bilateral cooperation areas between the two firms. Mr. Bono suggested that the two side should further communication so as to commit relating details.
The British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA), with a history of 30 years, is the industry body and public policy advocate for the private equity and venture capital industry in the UK, whose aim is to integrate industry elites, gather ability to innovate, show the industry’s collective influence, provide a platform for entrepreneurs, SMEs, private equity funds and venture capital companies, and promote the healthy development of the industry.

GOSS Team Was Invited to attend UBS Wealth Management Chief Investment Office Asia-Pacific Forum 2014
July 3, 2014 - Hong Kong
GOSS Team was invited to attend UBS Wealth Management Chief Investment Office Asia-Pacific Forum 2014 held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on July 3rd.
The forum, led by the Global Chief Investment Officer, Dr. Mark H. Haefele, aimed to review the investment landscape over the first half of the year and seek to identify the opportunities that lie ahead.
Dr. Haefele introduced the investment processes employed at UBS and he reviewed what their forecasts had missed in the first half of the year such as the impact of the polar vortex on US economy. He also talked about their current market views in an environment of differing central bank policies across the globe, specifically among the US, Europe, and Japan.
The panelists and special guests discussed investment opportunities in Europe and in the US, citing high margins and record low volatilities which could however go up in two to thee years. Concerns about the Europe recovery had been raised, pointing out that European stock prices are still below their pre-crisis levels except for German ones, and any EU stimulus measures would benefit Germany disproportionately. Fixed-income securities such as treasury notes along with currencies of dollar and sterling were also discussed, citing announcements of the Fed and the Bank of England.
With respect to Japan and China, panelists seemed to prefer to wait for the outlooks to become clearer. The impact of consumption tax raise and the third arrow of abenomics is still uncertain. With regard to the Chinese economy, the risks of a real estate bubble and a hard landing is unclear as well. However, it is important to keep in mind that real economies and financial markets do not always go hand in hand, and the concerns of central banks could very well be leaning towards macro-economic indicators of employment and growth rather than the stability of financial markets. In summary, we are entering a regime of diverging monetary policies that had never been seen before which could present challenges as well as opportunities.

GOSS Chairman Invited to Visit RMI at NUS
Sept. 12, 2014 - Singapore
Chairman of GOSS Institute of Research Management Quanjian Gao, accompanied by Chair Professor of the Business School at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) Jeff Hong, was invited to Risk Management Institute (RMI) at National University of Singapore (NUS) on Sept. 12 for a two-day visit.
Mr. Gao and Prof. Steven Kou, Director of RMI, reached an agreement for the two institutes to cohost the second GOSS Forum in July 2015, and opened preliminary discussion and planning for the relevant details during GOSS chairman's visit.
The two sides also decided to jointly found a trans-boundary magazine on private equity industry, PE Review, which hopefully will turn out as the authoritative voice of industry and thus lead the healthy and sustainable development of China's PE industry.
PE Review has a strong lineup of the editorial board, which includes Prof. Darrell Duffie from Stanford University, Prof. Jeff Hong from CityU of Hong Kong, Prof. Li Jin from Oxford University, Prof. Steven Kou from RMI, Prof. Neng Wang from Colombia University, and Mr. David Li from AIG.

2014 China Business Top 100 Forum Held in Kunming
Sept. 25, 2014 - Kunming
The 2014 China Business Top 100 Forum, jointly held by the GOSS Institute of Research Management, Warton Economic Institute and, was inaugurated on the 25th of September in Kunming, Yunnan, witnessing an attendance of over 500 entrepreneurs, experts and scholars. It was also the forum's debut in the western region of China.
The pageant also honoured the participation of renowned economist and former deputy director of the National Commission for Economic Restructuring Shangquan Gao, Permanent Vice Chairman of China Centre for International Economic Exchanges Xinli Zheng, Head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council Xiaonan Li, Deputy Director General of China Securities Regulatory Commission Ou Wang, and Director of Capital Market Institute and Chief Economist of Shanghai Stock Exchange Ruyin Hu etc., whose insights on the topic of "the innovation and development of capital market", as well as the subject of enterprise innovation and deepening reform were shared.
The 2013 Annual China Top 500 Listed Companies ranking board, compiled in accordance with the CBT100 index system and using gross profit as the ranking index, covered the best 500 Chinese enterprises (including those from Hong Kong and Macao) on the global capital market. To commend the contribution of those enterprises and entrepreneurs, the forum award certifications and prizes to top 100 listed companies and outstanding entrepreneurs and secretaries of board chairman, including "Top 100 Chinese Enterprises", "Top 10 Outstanding Entrepreneurs" and "Top 10 Secretaries". And for the first time, "Companies with the best profit ability and social responsibility and moral" and "Star companies with the biggest growth and social influence" contest were launched and awarded.
The China Business Top 100 forum, the 14th of its time, has witnessed striking performances of its previous listed companies and provided a platform for entrepreneurs to share, for entrepreneurs, exports and scholars to cooperate, and as a whole made unique contribution to the development of Chinese enterprises and economy.

Private Equity Review officially launched
Nov. 10, 2014 - Hong Kong
The First Issue of Private Equity Review (PE Review), which is jointly edited by GOSS Institute of Research Management (GOSS) and Risk Management Institute (RMI) at National University of Singapore (NUS), was officially launched today.
As the first trans-boundary magazine in Greater China, GOSS and RMI hope that PE Review will turn out as the authoritative voice of industry and thus lead the healthy and sustainable development of China's PE industry.
The cover articles of the first issue are the interview of Antony Leung, the former Financial Secretary of Hong Kong and the former chairman of Blackstone Group's Asian office, and the speech of Siwei Cheng, Dean of the School of Management of the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the former Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People’ s Congresses
Show Detail, at the First GOSS Forum. Also, an in-depth analysis of current events that are of interest, e.g. the latest initial public offering by Alibaba is reported in this issue. The last but not the least, a section of technical papers written by scholars to disseminate academic research to a wider audience is included.
PE Review has a strong lineup of the editorial board, which includes Prof. Darrell Duffie from Stanford University, Prof. Jeff Hong from CityU of Hong Kong, Prof. Li Jin from Oxford University, Prof. Steven Kou from RMI, Prof. Neng Wang from Colombia University, and Mr. David Li from AIG.

GOSS WORKSHOP Ⅲ: Evidential Reasoning and Frames of Discernment
Nov. 28, 2014 - Hong Kong
The third GOSS Workshop on Evidential Reasoning and Frames of Discernment was held 27-28 November at the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, with participation of Mr. Quanjian Gao of GOSS Institute of Research Management, Prof. Jianbo Yang of University of Manchester, Prof. Henry Wu of South China University of Technology, Prof. Jeff Hong of CityU, Dr. Dennis Wu and students from CityU.
In the first day, Prof. Jianbo Yang gave a keynote speech on “A Study on Generalising Inference to Evidential Reasoning”, then had lively discussion of relevant academic questions.
In the second day, Mr. Quanjian Gao made a speech in this workshop, titled as “ER Rule Experiments on Financial Analyst Report---Based on China Stock Market”. Then Dr. Dennis Wu talked about “Hidden Information and Frame of Discernment”. According to all the talks in workshop, the participants made a group discussion.

The First GOSS Seminar
Dec. 16, 2014 - Hong Kong
The First GOSS Seminar has been successfully concluded on 16 December at the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong.
GOSS invited Prof. Steven Kou, the Director of the Risk Management Institute at the National University of Singapore, to give a speech titled as “Forward-Looking Market Return and Volatility Indices: An Improved Approach to the VIX”.
Some senior financial experts and analysts were invited to attend this seminar, including Mr. Yankun Hou of UBS, Mr. Hanson Wong of Belos, Mr. Feng Zhu of Bank for International Settlements, Prof Houmin Yan Prof. Jeff Hong, Prof. Yong Wang, Prof. Yue Ma and Dr. Tao Li of City University of Hong Kong, Mr. Jackson Zhu of Bloomberg, Mr. Louis of CSOP, Mr. Chang Li of FDC. Mr. Quanjian Gao of GOSS Institute of Research Management hosted this seminar.
Next GOSS Seminar will be held next month in Hong Kong. More details about next GOSS Seminar will be announced in GOSS Website.

GOSS Monthly Newsletter Officially Released
Dec. 21, 2014 - Hong Kong
Since the first issue of PRIVATE EQUITY REVIEW released, we harvest a lot of enthusiastic support and pertinent comments. All of these will be our motivation to be better. In order to preferably provide high-quality articles to our readers, after careful consideration and assessment, we decided to make the publishment of the magazine from quarterly to semiyearly.
During the production period of magazine, we will release GOSS Monthly Newsletter, which has included three interesting sections in the first issue: Monthly Brief, Special Report and Editor’s Pick.
In the Monthly Brief, we will summarize the major events last four weeks in private equity and other financial sectors, which hopefully will form a basic knowledge for the entire industry development. In the Special Report part, Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect will be our focus. The exchange data and trend of Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect in past 4 weeks will be presented in the newsletter. Then we will recommend selections of two PE firms’ global yearly reports that typically represented the whole PE performances of 2014, and future trend (2015) of the industry from various facets.
We hope the GOSS Monthly Newsletter could provide valuable and useful information and analysis. Meanwhile, next issue of PRIVATE EQUITY REVIEW will be released on June 2015.

2015 GOSS Seminar
Jan. 7, 2015 - Hong Kong
The first GOSS Seminar at 2015 has been successfully concluded on 7th January at the J.P. Morgan in Hong Kong.
GOSS invited Mr. Yankun Hou, Head of China Equity Research and Head of Asia Autos Research in UBS, to give a speech titled as “The Investment Opportunities in the Hong Kong Capital Market 2015---Focus on PIPE”.
Senior financial experts and analysts were invited to attend this seminar, including Mr. Phillip Zhai of J.P.Morgan, Mr. Hanson Wong of Belos, Mr. Haitao Sun of ORIX, Ms. Rachel Zhao of MBK PARTNERS, Mr. Wenjie Xiao of IDI Capital Partners, Mr. Alan Chen of Fides Advisors, Mr. Ye Chen of China Diesel Power and Mr, Bill Li of Scotiabank. Mr. Quanjian Gao of GOSS Institute of Research Management hosted this seminar.
Next GOSS Seminar will be held next month in Hong Kong. More details about next GOSS Seminar will be announced in GOSS Website.

2014 Highlights and Important Events of GOSS
Jan. 10, 2015 - Hong Kong
In 2014, GOSS achieved a series of fruitful results and significant progress. GOSS held two GOSS Workshops, profoundly discussing the Evidential Reasoning Rule and its practical value. As a joint organizer, GOSS held the 2014 China Business Top 100 Forum, in which over 500 entrepreneurs, experts and scholars attended. In November, the First Issue of the Private Equity Review, jointly edited by GOSS and the Risk Management Institute at the National University of Singapore, was officially launched, getting a warm response and a positive evaluation. In December 2014, GOSS successively held the first GOSS Seminar and released the first GOSS Monthly Newsletter, expanding the development area of GOSS.
In the past year, GOSS has reached a strategic partnership with the College of Business at the City University of Hong Kong and the Risk Management Institute at the National University of Singapore. We have jointly edited the GOSS PE REVIEW and the GOSS Monthly Newsletter and will jointly hold the second GOSS Forum in Singapore in July 2015.
GOSS Workshop II: Evidential Reasoning Rule
April 23, 2014 - Hong Kong
The second GOSS Research Workshop on the Evidential Reasoning Rule was held at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Those participating were Mr. QuanjianGao of the GOSS Institute of Research Management, Prof. Jian-Bo Yang and Prof. DonglingXu both of the University of Manchester, Prof. Henry Wu of the University of Liverpool, Dr. Dennis Wu, and Prof. Jeff Hong and students of HKUST.
In this workshop, Prof. Jian-Bo Yang gave a keynote speech on “From Bayesian Inference to Evidential Reasoning for Decision Making under Uncertainty”. This was followed by a lively discussion of relevant academic questions. Based on the Evidential Reasoning Rule, Dr. Dennis Wu has made a pilot study in the Private Equity investment field, and has shared his preliminary results.
Meanwhile, Prof. Jeff Hong made a speech in this workshop, titled as “Analysts’ Performance Persistency: A Preliminary Study on the Chinese Public Equity”.

2014 China Business Top 100 Forum Held in Kunming
September 25, 2014 - Kunming
The 2014 China Business Top 100 Forum, jointly held by the GOSS Institute of Research Management, Warton Economic Institute and, was inaugurated on the 25th of September in Kunming, Yunnan, witnessing an attendance of over 500 entrepreneurs, experts and scholars. It was also the Forum's debut in the western region of China.
The pageant was also honoured by the participation of renowned economist and former deputy director of the National Commission for Economic Restructuring, ShangquanGao, Permanent Vice Chairman of China Centre for International Economic Exchanges, XinliZheng, Head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Xiaonan Ji, Deputy Director General of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Ou Wang, and Director of Capital Market Institute and Chief Economist of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Ruyin Hu, among others , whose insights on the topic of "the innovation and development of capital market", as well as the subject of enterprise innovation and deepening reform were shared.
The 2013 Annual China Top 500 Listed Companies ranking board, compiled in accordance with the CBT100 index system and using gross profit as the ranking index, covered the best 500 Chinese enterprises (including those from Hong Kong and Macao) on the global capital market. To commend the contribution of those enterprises and entrepreneurs, certifications and prizes to the top 100 listed companies, outstanding entrepreneurs, and secretaries of board chairmen, including "Top 100 Chinese Enterprises", "Top 10 Outstanding Entrepreneurs" and "Top 10 Secretaries", were awarded in the forum. And for the first time, "Companies with the best profit ability and social responsibility and moral" and "Star companies with the biggest growth and social influence" contests were launched and awarded.
The China Business Top 100 Forum, the 14th of its kind witnessed striking performances of its previous listed companies and provided a platform for entrepreneurs to share, and to cooperate with experts and scholars, as a whole making a unique contribution to the development of Chinese enterprises and the economy.

Private Equity Review Officially Launched
November 10, 2014 - Hong Kong
The First Issue of the Private Equity Review (PE Review) was officially launched. This was jointly edited by the GOSS Institute of Research Management (GOSS) and the Risk Management Institute (RMI) at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
As the first trans-boundary magazine in Greater China, GOSS and RMI hope that the PE Review will emerge as the authoritative voice of industry and thus lead the healthy and sustainable development of China's PE industry.
The cover articles of the first issue were the interview with Antony Leung, the former Financial Secretary of Hong Kong and the former chairman of Blackstone Group's Asian office, and the speech of Siwei Cheng, Dean of the School of Management of the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the former Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People’s Congresses Show Detail, at the First GOSS Forum. Also, an in-depth analysis of current events of interest, e.g. the latest initial public offering by Alibaba, was reported in this issue. Then, last but not the least, a section of technical papers written by scholars to disseminate academic research to a wider audience was included.
The PE Review has a strong lineup of the editorial board, which includes Prof. Darrell Duffie from Stanford University, Prof. Jeff Hong from CityU of Hong Kong, Prof. Li Jin from Oxford University, Prof. Steven Kou from RMI, Prof. Neng Wang from Colombia University, and Mr. David Li from AIG.

GOSS WORKSHOP Ⅲ: Evidential Reasoning and Frames of Discernment
November 27 to 28, 2014 - Hong Kong
The third GOSS Workshop on Evidential Reasoning and Frames of Discernment was held on 27-28 November at the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong. Those participating included Mr. QuanjianGao of the GOSS Institute of Research Management, Prof. Jian-Bo Yang of the University of Manchester, Prof. Henry Wu of the South China University of Technology, Dr. Dennis Wu, Prof. Jeff Hong and students of CityU.
On the first day, Prof. Jian-Bo Yang gave a keynote speech on “A Study on Generalising Inference to Evidential Reasoning”. This was followed by a lively discussion of relevant academic questions.
On the second day, Mr. Quanjian Gao made a speech, entitled “ER Rule Experiments on Financial Analyst Report---Based on China Stock Market”. Then, Dr. Dennis Wu talked about “Hidden Information and Frame of Discernment”. Based on all the talks given in the workshop, participants had a group discussion.

The First GOSS Seminar
December 16, 2014 - Hong Kong
The First GOSS Seminar was successfully concluded on 16 December at the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong.
GOSS invited Prof. Steven Kou, the Director of the Risk Management Institute at the National University of Singapore, to give a speech titled as “Forward-Looking Market Return and Volatility Indices: An Improved Approach to the VIX”, in the seminar.
A group of senior financial experts and analysts, including Mr. YankunHou of UBS, Mr. Hanson Wong of Belos, Mr. Feng Zhu of Bank for International Settlements, Prof. Houmin Yan, Prof. Jeff Hong, Prof. Yong Wang, Prof. Yue Ma and Dr. Tao Li of City University of Hong Kong, Mr. Jackson Zhu of Bloomberg, Mr. Louis of CSOP, and Mr. Chang Li of FDC, were invited to attend this seminar, hosted by Mr. Quanjian Gao of the GOSS Institute of Research Management.

GOSS Monthly Newsletter Officially Released
December 21, 2014 - Hong Kong
Since the publication of the first issue of the PRIVATE EQUITY REVIEW, GOSS has harvested a lot of enthusiastic support and pertinent comments. All of these will be our motivation to be better. In order to provide preferably high-quality articles to our readers, after careful consideration and assessment, GOSS has decided to publish the Review half-yearly rather than quarterly.
During the production period of the Review, GOSS will release the GOSS Monthly Newsletter, which will include three interesting sections: Monthly Brief, Special Report and Editor’s Pick.
In the Monthly Brief, the major events of the last four weeks in private equity and other financial sectors will be summarized, which hopefully will form a basic knowledge for the entire industry development. In the Special Report, the Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect will be the focus. The exchange data and trend of the Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect in the past four weeks will be presented in the Newsletter. Then GOSS will recommend selections of two PE firms’ global yearly reports that typically represented the whole PE performances of 2014, and future trend (2015) of the industry from various facets.
GOSS hopes the GOSS Monthly Newsletter will provide valuable and useful information and analysis. Meanwhile, the next issue of the PRIVATE EQUITY REVIEW will be published in June 2015.

GOSS Reached Strategic Partnership with CityU and RMI
In 2014, GOSS has reached a strategic partnership with the College of Business at the City University of Hong Kong and with the Risk Management Institute (RMI) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). GOSS and RMI have jointly edited the GOSS PE REVIEW and the GOSS Monthly Newsletter, and will jointly hold the second GOSS Forum in Singapore in July 2015.
The NUS Risk Management Institute (RMI) was established in 2006 as a research institute at the NUS dedicated to the area of financial risk management. The establishment of RMI was supported by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) under its program on Risk Management and Financial Innovation. RMI aims to be a world-class center in risk management through research, education and training.
RMI strives to become a locally, regionally and globally recognized knowledge center in financial risk management where scholars, regulators and industry professionals gather to advance cutting edge knowledge that has immediate relevance to the financial system.

Financial engineering (FE) is an interdisciplinary field that involves economics, finance, mathematics, operations research and computer science. The FE Lab in the College of Business at City University of Hong Kong is founded and led by Prof. Jeff Hong, Chair Professor at CityU, former Visiting Senior Financial Economist at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and former Visiting Professor of the NUS Business School at the National University of Singapore and the School of Management at Fudan University. The FE Lab conducts research on designing efficient quantitative and computational methods to solve problems in financial investment and risk management, and applies quantitative and computational methods in understanding the behavior of both investors and financial markets.

2014 Research Findings and Achievements of GOSS
Mar. 1, 2015 - Hong Kong
Vision and Background
Our research focus is on decision making for investment in both public equity and private equity. We aim to develop fundamental theories about both asset classes to enhance our understanding of their roles, inner mechanism, and the differences between them. Simultaneously, we construct models and conduct analyses for practical applications, taking into account diverse types of information -- objective and subjective, numerical and categorical, certain and uncertain, etc., -- to provide systematic and intelligent advice for decision making initially for financial investment in equity and eventually in other asset classes as well.
We plan to use the latest methodologies in decision theories to work towards our goal. One recent breakthrough in this field was the development of the Evidential Reasoning (ER) Approach, which incorporates the Dempster-Shafer Theory to accommodate information of different sources and natures. The ER Approach further generalizes the Dempster-Shafer Theory to allow for different weights and reliabilities of the evidence and to enable a self-consistent combination of potentially conflicting evidence.
Findings and Achievements
Our major achievements are as follows:
1. As our first attempt towards intelligent investment in public equity, we have constructed a model based on the ER Approach to aggregate subjective information on stock performance to synthesize investment portfolios.
2. Through our experiments using data on public markets and published research reports, we have demonstrated the first application of the ER Approach in the finance field with strong effectiveness. The synthesized investment portfolio is shown to achieve significant excess returns compared to the market.
3. These results, however, do not support the Efficient Market Hypothesis (Eugene Fama, Nobel Prize for Economics 2013).
4. During the experimental process, we realized that there are gaps between the theoretical framework and practical applications, particularly in the handling of differing frames of discernment and the existence of hidden information.
In 2014, we gathered a data set of more than 270,000 research reports published by 4624 financial analysts. We have constructed a model based on the ER Approach and applied it to the aggregate information contained in the data set. Experimental results have demonstrated the applicability and effectiveness of the ER Approach to the finance field, requiring further studies on the validity of the Efficient Market Hypothesis.
The 2015 GOSS & RMI Joint Conference Inaugurated in Singapore I
July. 30, 2015 - Singapore
The Second GOSS Private Equity & Ninth RMI Annual Risk Management Joint Conference was successfully launched on 30 July 2015. This international conference was held in St. Regis Hotel Singapore with the theme "Decision Making in Financial Investment under Global Downside Risks". Assembling elites from academia to commercial field, it aimed to provide a platform for policy makers, regulators, and industry executives and researchers to enhance their risk management techniques, explore the latest investment strategies and manage the fundamental regulatory changes in the financial sector.

Mr. Quanjian Gao, President of GOSS Institute of Research Management Ltd, and Prof. Steven Kou, Director of Risk Management Institute at NUS, co-chaired the opening ceremony and delivered welcome speeches highlighting key messages and topics to be conveyed in the forum.
Keynote speaker Mr. Yichen Zhang, chairman and CEO of CITIC Capital Inc., made a keynote speech on the topic "Development and Transformation of Buyouts in China Private Equity - An Asia PE Industry Perspective". Mr. Zhang talked about a new era of slow growth with mini stimulus and ongoing structural reform as well as anti-corruption measures in China. He also noted the upcoming phase of deleverage and deregulation. The implications for PE investments include opportunities in service sectors and strategic SOE industries as well as trends of consolidation and cross-border buyouts.

Speakers from diverse backgrounds of private equity, index fund, commodities, and non-performing loans discussed aspects of private equity as an alternative asset in the industry panel, with the theme "The Success and Failure of the Private Equity Investment as an Alternative Asset".
Dr.Xueping Wu, Associate Professor of the City University of Hong Kong hosted the panel discussion. Our panelists shared their views on different aspects:
- “Private Equity as a Long Term and Illiquid Investment” Dr. Linbo He, Senior Managing Director of China Investment Corporation (CIC);
- “Private Equity as Investment in Business Operations” Mr. Meng Ann Lim, Adjunct Faculty of Singapore Management University;
- “Index Fund/ETF as a Traditional Low-Cost Investment” Mr. Jack Wang, Deputy CMO and Head of Sales CSOP Asset Management Ltd;
- “Non-Performing Loans as an Alternative Asset Class” Mr. Hanson Wong, CEO of Belos Capital (Asia) Ltd;
- “Commodities as an Alternative Asset Class” Mr. Colin Toh, Head of Commodities (Asia Pacific) of Bank of America Merrill Lynch;
- “Data and Solutions” Mr. Tim Craighead, Director of Asian Research and Senior Gaming Analyst of Bloomberg Industries, and Ms. Fayanna Wang, Regional Director of Wind Information (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

Another panel session of RMI in the morning was hosted by Mr. Lutfey Siddiqi, Global Head of Emerging Markets-FX, Rates and Credits of UBS and Adjunct Professor of RMI, with the theme “The Evolving Paradigm of Regulation and Risk Management”. The panelists include:
- Ms. Ng Chuin Hwei, Lead Specialist of ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO);
- Mr. Ilhyock Shim, Principal Economist of Bank of International Settlements (BIS);
- Mr. Wong Nai Seng, Assistant Managing Director, Policy, Risk, and Surveillance Group of Monetary Authority of Singapore.

In the afternoon, Keynote speaker Prof. Steven Kou introduced a new model to extract market volatility and drift from historical stock prices and same-day of options with few strikes. The model provides a way to compute volatility index and futures based on few liquid instruments, potentially enabling the trading of these derivatives for a wide range of assets.
Another panel discussion was held afterwards. Prof. Steven Kou led the first discussion focusing on “Managing Risks in the Emerging Markets”. Panelists include:
- Mr. Lalith J. Fernando, Chief Risk Officer of Bank of Ceylon;
- Mr. Xinquan Hu, Chief Risk Officer and Deputy Country Head of Bank of China (Singapore);
- Mr. Elbert Pattijn, Chief Risk Officer, DBS Bank.
Mr. Yen Chu Cheng, Partner of Oliver Wyman, made a speech on "Capital and Liquidity Management for Financial Institutions in Asia: Current Issues and Future Path". Following was the last discussion of the day hosted by Ms. Marcia Banks, Deputy Director of IACPM, with the theme of "Evolving Roles of Banks vs Nonbanks". This panel was jointly organized by IACPM, panelists include:
- Mr. Wolfgang Beckmann, Global Head of Loan Management of ANZ Bank Ltd;
- Mr. Yen Chu Cheng, Partner of Oliver Wyman;
- Mr. Kausik Datta, Director of Market Risk Control of UBS; and
- Mr. Dominic Lim, Managing Director and Director of Risk and Performance Management of GIC Group.

The first day of the second GOSS Private Equity & Ninth RMI Annual Risk Management Joint Conference ended with a pleasant welcome dinner at the Raffles Hotel. More research findings on risk management and investment strategies will be presented and discussed on the second day of the Conference.

The 2015 GOSS & RMI Joint Conference in Singapore II
July. 31, 2015 - Singapore
The second GOSS Private Equity & Ninth RMI Annual Risk Management Joint Conference lasted for two days, 30 and 31 July 2015. On the second day of the conference, researchers from academia and GOSS Institute of Research Management presented the recent theoretical developments, analytical techniques and empirical findings in the field of risk management.
The second day conference began with two plenary talks. Mr. Arthur P. Dempster, Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Statistics of Harvard University gave a keynote speech about “Why the Econometrics of Finance Should Be Recast in Dempster-Shafer Terms”. Prof. Dempster discussed the motivation and gist of the Dempster-Shafer theory as well as its significance and applicability to the field of econometrics. Following was another keynote speech “Back to the Future: Backtesting Systemic Risk Measures During the Great Depression and Historical Bank Runs” given by Mr. Eric Ghysels, Bernstein Distinguished Professor of Economics and Professor of Finance of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. As a former resident scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Prof. Ghysels presented the latest research on backtesting systemic risk measures during financial crises in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century using a new set of data retrieved from the publications of New York Bankers Association.

The following presentations and discussions of RMI & GOSS Scientific Program were conducted on two tracks. Track A was organized by RMI, while Track B was by GOSS.
GOSS Scientific Program followed the theme of the first GOSS Forum on quantitative decision making for private equity with a focus on the application and extension of Evidential Reasoning (ER) Rule based on the Dempster-Shafer theory. Academically, ER Rule is a recent advance in decision theories and these applications represent significant initial progress towards intelligent solutions for human-data interaction. The program also included modeling and analyses of the equity market and credit portfolios.
New findings were presented in the Scientific Program. Prof. Jian-Bo Yang, Chair of Decision and System Sciences from University of Manchester, shared his perspective on “Evidential Reasoning and Decision Making Under Uncertainty”. Prof. Jeff Hong, Chair Professor of College of Business in the City University of Hong Kong, gave a speech on “Power Law Behaviors in Stock Markets”. Prof. Dongling Xu, Chair of Decision Science and Systems from the University of Manchester, shared her view on “Intelligent Decision System and its Application in investment Decision making”. And Dr. Dennis Wu, Director of Department of Fundamental Theories GOSS Institute of Research Management, made a speech on “Construction of Investment Strategies with Evidential Reasoning Rule”.

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At last, Prof. Jeff Hong made a conclusion and marked the end of the GOSS Second Private Equity Forum.

In addition to the above topics, various policy and system issues related to risk management were presented and discussed. With around two hundred on-site participants and dozens of online listeners, the one and a half day forum offered stimulating ideas and invaluable opportunities for interaction. Positive feedback from both industry practitioners and academics encourage further efforts with the forum and research.
GOSS Participated in the MCDM 2015
Aug. 6, 2015 - Germany

At the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany from August 4th to 7th, Mr. Gao and Dr. Wu participated in the 23rd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making -- MCDM 2015 -- the biennial conference of the International Society on MCDM.
The MCDM 2015 is the biggest, most important international conference in the field of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Organized every two years, it brings together all related research activities in MCDM and related disciplines. This year, a participant record has been broken with 361 participants from 49 different countries.
Titled "Application of Evidential Reasoning Rule to Decision Making in Financial Investment", Mr. Gao presented the latest research on an innovative model of financial analyst opinions and outperforming investment strategies for China's capital market. Much encouraging feedback was received and invaluable ideas were exchanged with other experts in the field.

GOSS Attened Mr & Mrs Yeung Kin Man Donation Ceremony
Sep. 8, 2015 - Hong Kong
Mr. Gao, the president of GOSS Institute of Research Management, was invited to a donation ceremony at Gonrad Hong Kong held on 8th September in recognition of Mr. Yeung Kin Man, the president of Biel Crystal Manufactory Limited, for his donation of HK$200 million to the City University of Hong Kong.
Mr. C Y Leung, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, also attended the donation ceremony and delivered a passionate speech.
President of City University of Hong Kong, Professor Way Kuo, introduced Mr. & Mrs. Yeung as successful entrepreneurs in Hong Kong. Of the HK$200 million donation, fifty million will support CityU students’ overseas exchanges; fifty million will be used for endowed Chair Professorships. The remaining one hundred million will be dedicated to CityU’s School of Veterinary Medicine, in collaboration with Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
GOSS Institute of Research Management and the College of Business at City University of Hong Kong have a strong partnership, and GOSS is currently assisting CityU’s College of Business in actively promoting the establishment of Global Institute of Finance and Management in Shenzhen, China.

GOSS & Bloomberg Singapore Teleconference
Sep. 9, 2015 - Hong Kong
GOSS and Bloomberg Singapore held a teleconference on 9th September to discuss the progress of collaboration on publishing GOSS newsletters on Bloomberg's terminals.
GOSS Newsletter Was Officially Revised to GOSS & RMI Private Equity Brief
Sep. 16, 2015 - Hong Kong
GOSS Newsletter was officially revised to a new version, in order to provide better reading experience for our readers. With the further collaboration between GOSS and NUS RMI, we have renamed GOSS Newsletter to GOSS And RMI Private Equity Brief. We have also reedited the content and style of our publications to improve the overall quality.
You can find our new publications on the homepage of GOSS PE REVIEW.
Thank you for your interests in the GOSS And RMI Private Equity Brief.

GOSS and Bloomberg Successfully Reached Cooperation
Sep. 18, 2015 - Hong Kong
GOSS and Bloomberg have successfully reached cooperation today. The formal agreement has been made that our publication, GOSS & RMI Private Equity Brief will be released on the Bloomberg terminal.
The new GOSS & RMI Private Equity Brief will be released next Monday, 21st September 2015. And we will continue to release our publications on the Bloomberg terminal.
You can find our publication on the Bloomberg terminal. It is under {IRH UNI
GOSS Participated in the China Alpha Fund Workshop
Sep. 24, 2015 - Hong Kong
The China Alpha Fund Workshop held in Exchange Square on September 24, 2015. Dr. Wu was invited to the workshop.
At the workshop, Mr. Jay Lee, Executive Director of UBS delivered a speech about UBS Equity Deriv Sales and Strategy.

GOSS Attended Black Soil Group Hong Kong Office Opening
Sep. 25, 2015 - Hong Kong
Mr. Gao, the President of GOSS Institute of Research Management, attended the opening of Black Soil Group's Hong Kong office on the morning of September 25th.
Black Soil Partners L.P. is a project-based PE fund under the Black Soil Group, which launched its fundraising on July 1st, 2015 with a target of US$ 1 billion. The Hong Kong office of Black Soil Group is located in Cyberport.

GOSS Discussed with Taiwan Expert on the Theoretical Approach of Investment Decision making
Sep. 25, 2015 - Hong Kong
On the afternoon of 25th September, GOSS Institute of Research Management had a meeting with an expert from Taiwan to discuss the theoretical approach to index option trading and research on Taiwan's capital market as well as decision-making strategies in financial investment.

GOSS Representative Attended China Alpha Industry Expert Session
Oct. 27, 2015 - Hong Kong
GOSS researcher Dr. Wu attended the China Alpha Industry Expert Session in Exchange Square on October 27, 2015. This session was held by China Alpha Fund Management (HK) Limited with the theme of “Main Strategic Headwinds Facing the Regions (including China) in 2016”.
Mr. Timothy Moe, Co-head of Macro Research (Asia) & Chief Asia Pacific Regional Equity Strategist from Goldman Sachs gave a speech at this session. He shared with participants an overview on China’s macro environment and equity market, and its implications as well as outlook for 2016 in the region.

President of GOSS Meet Chairman of UOB Kay Hian
Nov. 20, 2015 - Hong Kong
The President of GOSS, Mr. Gao had a meeting with the Chairman of United Overseas Bank (UOB) Kay Hian Holdings, Mr. Wee Ee-Chao on the morning of 20th November, 2015.
UOB is the third largest bank in Singapore, and UOB Kay Hian is the largest securities firm in Singapore.
In today’s meeting, Mr. Gao and Mr. Wee talked about the current situation of capital market in Hong Kong and Singapore. They discussed the education problem and the SDR issue. Both of them also expressed views on the pros and cons for RMB to be included in the SDR.

GOSS Invited Two Distinguished Experts to Participate in Future Works
Nov. 25, 2015 - Hong Kong
We invited Mr. Hanson Wong, Chief Executive Officer of Belos Capital (Asia) Ltd. and Mr. Mark Shi, Regional General Manager of Prologist East China to be our distinguished experts.
We had a meeting about the future development of GOSS in the afternoon today (November 24, 2015). In the meeting, Mr. Wong and Mr. Shi shared their valuable ideas and views with us. It’s the second time they discussed with GOSS fellows. They had also participated in the GOSS future development meeting last Wednesday (November 18, 2015).
Mr. Wong and Mr. Shi are experts in industry fields. Both of them have great contributions to GOSS future plans. They will continually actively participate in our future works.
GOSS & RMI Released the Second Issue of PE REVIEW (PE Review Issue 2)
Dec. 1, 2015 - Hong Kong
The new issue of PE REVIEW (PE Review Issue 2) is released today. In this issue, we have five absorbing sections consist of one cover article, one interview report, one research paper, two industrial papers and three columns.
The Cover Article talks about “Chinese stock market: the current conditions of IPO Moratorium, and its impacts on private equity investment”. In the Industry Dialogue, we record an interview between Dr. Ruyin Hu, a well-known economist in China, and GOSS. In the Academic Insight, we have a research paper from Professor Da-Bai Shen, the Director of Business Research and Development Center of Soochow University. He shares his viewpoint about the "Impact of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on Taiwan’s Stock Market".
Followed by two case studies, the first article from Mr. Yankun Hou (UBS) talks about "Shanghai – Hong Kong Stock Connect and its far-reaching implications for Hong Kong". Another article written by Mr. Yoshinaga Toho (NEEDS Co.) focuses on the differences between Japan stock market and stock market in other regions. In the final section, we have three columns. Two articles from Mr. Yimin Yang (Protiviti Inc.) mainly discuss the anti-money laundering, the monitoring of it and counter-terrorist financing programs. The last paper is co-written by renowned scholars from Dr. Xuedong He, Columbia University, and Ms. Sang Hu and Prof. Steven Kou, National University of Singapore (RMI).
You can find the new publication in our PE REVIEW webpage.
Visit our webpage to see PE Review Issue 2
We hope the second issue could provide you with valuable and useful information and analysis. Thank you for your interests and supports.

GOSS Researchers Attended an “ER Rule” Seminar at the City University of Hong Kong
Jan. 15, 2016 - Hong Kong
On 13th January 2016, Mr. Gao and Dr. Wu were invited to a seminar held by Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong. In the seminar, Prof. Jian-Bo Yang gave a speech about “Evidential Reasoning for Prior-Free Probabilistic Inference and System Fault Diagnosis”.
Mr. Jian-Bo Yang is Professor of Decision and System Sciences and Director of the
Decision and Cognitive Sciences Research Centre at Manchester Business School of The University of Manchester.
The presentation was intended to introduce a unique Evidential Reasoning (ER) rule, which can be used to combine connectively multiple pieces of independent evidence with various weights and reliabilities.
After the seminar, Mr. Gao, Dr. Wu and Prof. Yang discussed the ER rule and its application in financial and investment strategic decision-making.

GOSS and Shenzhen Tengda Elite Training Center Planned to Start a Collaborative Program
Jan. 15, 2015 - Hong Kong
On 13th January 2016, Mr. Gao and Dr. Wu were invited to a seminar held by Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong. In the seminar, Prof. Jian-Bo Yang gave a speech about “Evidential Reasoning for Prior-Free Probabilistic Inference and System Fault Diagnosis”.
Mr. Jian-Bo Yang is Professor of Decision and System Sciences and Director of the
Decision and Cognitive Sciences Research Centre at Manchester Business School of The University of Manchester.
The presentation was intended to introduce a unique Evidential Reasoning (ER) rule, which can be used to combine connectively multiple pieces of independent evidence with various weights and reliabilities.
After the seminar, Mr. Gao, Dr. Wu and Prof. Yang discussed the ER rule and its application in financial and investment strategic decision-making.

GOSS and Shenzhen Tengda Elite Training Center Planned to Start a Collaborative Program
Feb. 24, 2016 - Hong Kong
As an international research institute in the field of financial investment, GOSS Institute of Research Management Limited is dedicated to develop our research activities in more frontiers. We have planned to start a training project for a long while with abundant preparations.
On 24th February 2016, GOSS and Shenzhen Tengda Elite Training Center had a meeting in Hong Kong. We planned to start this year’s training project and collaborate with Shenzhen Tengda Elite Training Center.
GOSS and Shenzhen Tengda Elite Training Center Reached Collaboration
Mar. 22, 2016 - Hong Kong
On 22th March 2016, GOSS Institute of Research Management Ltd. and Shenzhen Tengda Elite Training Center have a meeting, in which both sides accepted an agreement on this year’s training project.
Our training project will focus on both traditional and alternative investment fields. We hope GOSS Institute can provide valuable courses and benefit more investment practitioners through our training project.
Meeting of GOSS and CityU’s College of Business on Joint Training Programme
Mar. 23, 2016 - Hong Kong
On 23th March 2016, GOSS Institute of Research Management Ltd. and College of Business (City University of Hong Kong) had a meeting in Hong Kong. We planned to start a joint training programme named “Executive Development Programme”.
In this programme, we will provide teaching resources from CityU. The teaching staff consists of invited guest speakers, professors and visiting professors from College of Business will deliver lectures in Mandarin. The proposed topics of the programme will be divided into three modules:
Module 1. Risk Management;
Module 2. Internal Control and Management;
Module 3. Hot topics investigation.
The collaboration with College of Business will establish the level and quality of our training project. There are going to be further collaborations with CityU’s College of Business in the coming years.
GOSS Was Invited to Redhorse Corporation’s IPO Celebration
Apr. 22, 2016 - Taiwan
Mr. Gao was invited to the IPO celebration of Redhorse Corporation in Taipei on 22th April 2016.
Redhorse Corporation (2928.TW) has been successfully listed in Taipei Exchange on 27th January 2016 with an IPO price of NT$30. It opened at NT$46 and the highest price was NT$53.7. It closed at NT$50.2, up 67.3% compared with the IPO price of NT$30.

GOSS Visited Taiwan for Potential Investment Projects
Apr. 25, 2016 - Taiwan
Mr. Gao visited potential investment projects in Taipei from 21th to 24th April 2016. The main investment targets are focused on M-commerce and FinTech especially blockchain.

The CTS & GOSS Seminar
May. 12, 2016 - Hong Kong
The CTS (China Travel Financial Holdings Corporation Limited) & GOSS Seminar was successfully held on 12th May 2016 in Hong Kong. Mr. Quanjian Gao, the President of GOSS and Mr. Ray Feng, Deputy General Manager of CTS co-hosted the seminar.
We invited Prof. Steven Kou, the director of Risk Management Institute (NUS) to give a speech, which focuses on VIX and Dropbox, at the seminar. He shared with participants his new research on these two topics.
We are planning to hold the next GOSS Seminar in Hong Kong. More details will be announced on the GOSS website.

GOSS and SMBC Alternative Investment Group Met in Hong Kong
May. 31, 2016 - Hong Kong
On 31th May, GOSS had a meeting with three representatives from the alternative investment group of SMBC, Mr. Koichiro Yoda, Joint General Manager of International Treasury Department, Ms. Kate Lee, Vice President of Corporate Banking Department 3, and Mr. Shuoqi Li, Assistant Vice President of Alternative Investment Group, in Hong Kong. We also invited Mr. Ray Feng from CTS Financial Holdings and Haitao Sun from Wilson Bridge and Orix to participate in the meeting. In this meeting, we discussed the exchange rate relationship between Yuan and other currencies such as JPY and USD, and its impact on the Japanese stock market.
GOSS Participated in the Tenth National University of Singapore Risk Management Institute Conference
Jul. 26, 2016 - Singapore
On July 26 2016, GOSS researcher Dr. Dennis Wu joined the tenth National University of Singapore Risk Management Institute conference held in Conrad Centennial Singapore as a panelist discussing practical challenges in risk management.
Dr. Wu touched upon the slowdown of the Chinese economy as well as the volatile markets in China, leading to increased overseas M&A activities, which are further supported by government policies. Dr. Wu reviewed the risks faced by both acquirers and sellers and offered advice for pre-risk and post-risk management, along with recent modeling framework based on Dempster-Shafer Theory and the Evidential Reasoning Rule for investment decision making and risk management.
The other panelists discussed market risks under the low interest rate environment and the pitfalls with regard to the regulators approach towards risks. Current risk management systems and processes in place at a well-known American bank were also reviewed.

College of Business (CityU) and GOSS Co-organized an EMBA Activity in HKEx
Aug. 18, 2016 - Hong Kong
On 18 August 2016, the Dean of College of Business (City University of Hong Kong) Prof. Houmin Yan and the President of GOSS Institute of Research Management Ltd. Mr. Gao co-organized an EMBA activity in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx).
Mr. Charles Li, the Chief Executive of HKEx was invited as a guest speaker in the activity. Mr. Li had a face-to-face communication with EMBA students from College of Business (CityU), and he answered questions raised by students.

GOSS and College of Business (CityU) Strategic Alliance
Sep. 5, 2016 - Hong Kong
GOSS and College of Business, City University of Hong Kong have signed a framework agreement for strategic collaboration on 2nd September 2016.
We decided to officially establish a strategic partnership with each other. We will conduct a series of joint activities in the future.The joint activities including training programs of alternative investment, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Public-Private-Partnership.
The First GOSS Trading Salon
Jan. 17, 2017 - Hong Kong
On 17th January 2017, the first GOSS Trading Salon was successfully launched in The Center in central, Hong Kong. Trading practitioners from Protoss Global Opportunity Fund, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, Julius Baer, and GOSS Institute of Research Management Limited participated in the Salon.
The Salon focused on the topic “Market Insights: Observation and Analysis of the Macro Markets”. Practitioners shared their viewpoints on the current foreign exchange market, stock market, and bond market. Different trading strategies from these companies were also discussed in the Salon.
We hope that the Salon could promote more interactions between practitioners, and there would be more discussions and sharing of different strategies.

Upcoming GOSS, NUS RMI, and CityU CB Joint Conference in May
Feb. 13, 2017 - Hong Kong
In this summer, GOSS will collaborate with the risk management institute (RMI) of National University of Singapore and College of Business of City University of Hong Kong (CityU) to hold a joint conference in Hong Kong.
Date: 8th May 2017
Theme: OBOR Initiative – Our benefit & our risk
A focused looked at financial investment under One Belt One Road Initiative
Venue: City University of Hong Kong
Investment practitioners and academic scholars from Singapore, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and will attend this conference. If you are interested in the joint conference, you could participate after registration. Please continue to pay attention to our news, and we will publish more information about our conference.

The Third Issue of GOSS & RMI Private Equity Review (PE Review 3)
Mar. 14, 2017 - Hong Kong
The third issue of the GOSS & RMI Private Equity Review (PE Review Issue 3) is released. This issue includes seven articles devoted to the fields of private equity and financial risk management. In this issue, we have four sections consisting of Cover Article, Academic Insight, Case Study, and Column.
The cover article by Haitao Jin, the Chief Executive Partner of Qianhai Fund of Funds, is based on business model of renminbi (RMB) PE or Venture Capital (VC) fund of funds (FOF). In the Academic Insight section, we have an article by Katahira Masaki, the Chief Executive of Eastasia Investment (International) Limited in Japan, which about new findings of the Japan capital market through the successful transformation of Japan Post Group.
This issue also features two case studies focusing on the China auto consumption and telecom media technology industries. The first article contributed by Yankun Hou of UBS. The second article is by Alex Yang, Partner of Beam Capital and Shu Yang, candidate of School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) Master at Columbia University. In the final Column section, we have a research article focuses on a new research initiative that based on previous research by Wei Cui of National Interbank Funding Center along with Min Dai and Steven Kou of the Risk Management Institute (RMI) of National University of Singapore (NUS).
You can find the new publication in our PE REVIEW webpage.
Visit our webpage to see PE Review Issue 3
We hope the third issue could provide valuable information for you. Also, We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your interests and supports.

2017 GOSS Joint Forum with CB CityU, ESSRA, and RMI NUS
May. 8, 2017 - Hong Kong
The 2017 Joint Forum was successfully held on 8 May 2017 at City University of Hong Kong, with the theme "OBOR Initiative - Our Benefits Our Risks: a focused look at financial investment under the One Belt One Road Initiative". This year, GOSS was teaming up with College of Business at City University of Hong Kong, Risk Management Institute (RMI) at National University of Singapore, and Eurasian System Science Research Association to jointly organize this forum. Assembling elites from academia to commercial field, five keynote speeches and two panel discussions presented had provided valuable insights to our participants.
Prof. Way Kuo, President and University Distinguished Professor at City University of Hong Kong, delivered welcome and introductory remarks to kick start the forum. Mr. Geoffrey Hamilton, Chief of the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Programme at UNECE, also gave a speech in the meeting. Followed by keynote speeches given by distinguished speakers.
Two panel discussions were also held with the aim to further exchange opinions on the OBOR Initiative. The first panel focused on the risks and solutions in investment in countries related to the One Belt One Road Initiative. Panelists introduced the foreign construction projects under the OBOR Initiative. They had also touched upon the development and innovation of China automobile industry under the OBOR Initiative and gave suggestions on investments under the OBOR Initiative.

31th ACT Transcultural Seminar
Sep. 6, 2017 - Japan
From 1st to 3th Sepember 2017, the 31th ACT Transcultural Seminar was held in Urabandai with the theme of “Reconstructuion and International Contribution Connecting People and Regions”.
Dr. Gao took part in the three-day seminar and shared some of his viewpoints with experts from all over the world. Topics of the seminar include “Fukushima Reconstruction”, “Space and Geospatial Technology”, “Infrastructure Export and Water Resources”, “International Challenges and International Cooperation”, and “Promoting sustainable Energy”, and etc.
The Seminar is organized by the Association for Communication of Transcultural Study (ACT Foundation), and the Japanese Cabinet Office is also one of its supporting organizations.

MIT Clean Energy Project
Sep. 23, 2017 - Shanghai
On 23rd September 2017, Colleague Dr. Wu visited a Chinese infrastructure cpompany, along with a MIT (Massachu-setts Institute of Technology) clean energy project team in Shanghai. Dr. Wu has participated in the design of the product.
New Office Address of GOSS
Jan. 4, 2018 - Hong Kong
On 4th January 2018, GOSS Institute of Research Management Limited relocated to the following address:
Penthouse 24C, Tai Yau Building, 181 Johnston Rd., Wanchai, Hong Kong
Visit Google map to find our new address
GOSS and Virtual Currency
Mar. 14, 2018 - Hong Kong
Dr. Gao and Dr. Wu met with a quant expert to discuss potential virtual currency innovations.
Global Investment Opportunties and Strategies
Mar. 15, 2018 - Hong Kong
Dr. Wu and a corporate VC met to discuss global investment opportunities and strategies for consumer electronics and new technologies.
Applications of the ER Rule
Mar. 16, 2018 - Hong Kong
Dr. Gao, Dr. Wu, Prof. Jianbo Yang, and Prof. Donglin Xu have a conference call to discuss applications of the ER rule in the financial industry.
GOSS Research and China Investment Research
Mar. 19, 2017 - Hong Kong
The president of GOSS, Dr. Gao and the chairman of China Investment Research, Mr. Herny Tillman met to discuss Chinese investments under the "the Belt and Road Initiative".
GOSS and RMI Monthly Private Equity Brief (March 2018)
Mar. 20, 2018 - Hong Kong
We are pleased to release the GOSS and RMI Monthly Private Equity Brief (Mar 2018).
In early 2018, Spotify has announced its plan to list on the New York Stock Exchange in the first quarter of this year. The company will go public through direct listing, which is an unusual process of going public. In this newsletter, we explore reasons why Spotify chose to go the direct listing route.
Visit our webpage to see the newsletter
Blockchain Technology in the Service Industry
Mar. 22, 2018 - Hong Kong
Dr. Wu has a teleconference with the USA general manager of a blockchain startup to discuss the application of blockchain technology in the service industry.
GOSS and RMI Private Equity Review Issue IV - Case Study
Mar. 26, 2017 - Hong Kong
We are pleased to release the Case Study of GOSS and RMI Private Equity Review Issue IV (PE Review Issue 4).
This is one of the most exciting sections in the PE Review. The article by Mr. Henry Tillman, the Chairman of China Investment Research, explores the application of the Chinese Model in BRI Countries. In this article, you will see valuable data on how Chinese capital has been invested in Cambodia in recent years.
Visit our webpage to see the Case Study
Media and MICE
Apr. 4, 2018 - Taiwan
Dr. Wu met with a veteran early- stage investor in Taiwan on media and MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) opportunities.
TMT and Healthcare
Apr. 5, 2018 - Taiwan
Dr. Wu met with an investment manager from a major family office/bank in Taipei, discussing projects ranging from food and recipe to TMT and healthcare.
Virtual Currencies and Blocakchain
Apr. 5, 2018 - Taiwan
Dr. Wu met with an ICO (initial coin offering) practitioner on the development of virtual currencies and blockchain as well as potential partnerships
Potential Partnership between Portosino and Starshining
Apr. 9, 2018 - Macau
Ms. Yang met with the president of Starshining Education in Macau and discussed the potential partnership between Portosino Limited and Starshining Education. Starshining might be the exclusive partner of the Portosino Equestrian Programme in Macau and Zhuhai.
Partnership between Portosino and Starshining
Apr. 23, 2018 - Hong Kong
The chairman of Starshining Education, Edgar visited Portosino Limited on 23th April in Hong Kong. We have established partnership between Portosino and Starshining, and Memorandum of Understanding between the two companies has been signed.
GOSS Met with the Consulate General of Japan
May. 11, 2018 - Hong Kong
On 11th May, GOSS met and discussed with the Public Relations and Cultural Affairs Division of the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong on the preparation for the joint Feng Zikai and Yumeji Takehisa painting exhibition to be held in Hong Kong this coming fall, in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the signing of The Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China.
GOSS Visited Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
May. 14, 2018 - Hong Kong
On 14 May, Mr. Gao and Ms. Yang visited Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Hong Kong Branch and met with the Head of East Asia, Mr. Takahiko to discuss the joint exhibition of Feng Zikai and Takehisa Yumeji.
The Real Estate Market
May. 15, 2018 - Hong Kong
Mr. Wu met with a COO of an Hong Kong asset management company to discuss potential opportunities in the real estate market.
The commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the China-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty
June. 26, 2018 - Hong Kong
On 26th June 2018, Dr. Gao, Dr. Feng, and Dr. Cai met with the President of the Takehisa Yumeji Ikaho Memorial, Ms. Shikawa Kaneko, Mr. Shinjiro Saeki, Mr. Kensuke Ishii, and delegation from the Association for Communication of Transcultural Study to discuss two events, which will be hosted to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the China-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty.
We will co-organize the Joint Exhibition of T.K.Feng and Takehisa Yumeji with the Asia Society Hong Kong Center between 25th September 2018 and 3rd October 2018. Also, we will have the First Hong Kong Dialogue on the development of Sino-Japanese relations with a theme of “Sino-Japanese Relationship for Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” during the exhibition.
Blockchain Revolution Book Sharing
Aug. 18, 2018 - Hong Kong
Assistant Professor of Finance Zhang Zhong from College of Business at City University of Hong Kong gave a talk on the book “Blockchain Revolution” and discussed virtual currencies with members of the reader club.
Preparing the joint art exhibition: “Feng Zikai Meets Takehisa Yumeji”
Aug. 27, 2018 - Hong Kong
GOSS and the descendant of Feng ZiKai, Mr. Feng Yu, discussed with the collector Mr. Ki and the exhibition team on the preparation for the joint art exhibition: “Feng Zikai Meets Takehisa Yumeji” to be held in Asia Society Hong Kong on 25 Sep, marking the 40th anniversary of The Treaty of Peace and Friendship between China and Japan.
GOSS Met with the Deputy Consulate General of Japan
Aug. 29, 2018 - Hong Kong
Dr. Gao met with Mr. Tsukasa Hirota the Deputy Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong to discuss on the 2018 Hong Kong Dialogue and the joint art exhibition of “Feng Zikai and Takehisa Yumeji”, which Mr. Hirota agreed to give their support.
GOSS Joined 32nd ACT Transcultural Seminar
28 Aug – 2 Sep 2018 - Japan
Dr. Gao was invited to 32nd ACT Transcultural Seminar in Urabandai, Japan, discussed with the seminar topic “New Challenge for Reconstruction and International Coorperation”.
2018 Hong Kong Dialogue
24-25 Sep 2018- Hong Kong
ACT, Lingnan University, The Statecraft Institution and GOSS successfully organized 2018 Hong Kong Dialogue on the topic of Sino- Japanese Relations: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Poetry and Charm- Feng Zikai Meets Takehisa Yumeji Opening Ceremony
25 Sep 2018- Hong Kong
The opening of the joint art exhibition started in the evening of mid- autumn festival.
Ambassador and Consul-General of Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong, Mr. Kuninori Matsuda, Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Michelle LI Mei-sheung, JP, Director of Takehisa Yumeji Ikaho Art Museum, Ms Kaneko Shiokawa and the descendent of Feng Zikai, Mr. Feng Yu gave the opening speech. Deputy Commissioner of the Commissioner's Office of China's Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong, Mr. Yang Yirui also attended.

GOSS Invited for Dinner by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong
1 Nov 2018- Hong Kong
On November 1, Dr. Gao and Dr. Cai, representing the GOSS Institute of Research Management, were invited for dinner by Ms. Mari Takada, the Consul of the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong. Mr. Kenji Wada, the Vice Consul also attended the dinner.
Ms. Takada first expressed her gratitude for the efforts that GOSS devoted in promoting the Sino-Japanese relations. Both sides agreed that the 2018 Hong Kong Dialogue and the joint art exhibition have received great success.
During the dinner, Dr. Gao and Ms. Takada also discussed the feasibility of promoting the exchange and cooperation between Hong Kong and Japan. It was proposed by Dr. Gao that cooperation in education, tourism, cultural exchange, industry should all be strengthened between the two parties.
By the end of this gathering, Ms. Takada and Dr. Gao reach the consensus that GOSS and the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong should organize regular meetings and establish a long-term cooperation mechanism in the future.
Publication in the Knowledge- Based Systems journal
8 Nov 2018- Hong Kong
Dr. Gao and Prof. Xu authored an article titled “An empirical study on the application of the Evidential Reasoning rule to decision making in financial investment”, which is going to appear in Knowledge- Based Systems, Vol. 164. The publication can be found online at the link below:
The Forth Issue of GOSS & RMI Private Equity Review (PE Review 4)
Feb. 14, 2019 - Hong Kong
The forth issue of the GOSS & RMI Private Equity Review (PE Review Issue 4) is released. This issue includes seven articles devoted to the fields of private equity and financial risk management. In this issue, we have four sections consisting of Cover Article, Academic Insight, Case Study, and Column.
The cover article by Dr. Dennis Wu and Ms. Lily Yang of GOSS Institute of Research Management, discusses the private equity (PE) sector and analyzes current PE trends.
In the Academic Insight section, we have an article by Prof. Min Dai of National University of Singapore (NUS) along with his co-authors to discuss the academic advancement of AI and blockchain. Also, Prof. Steven Kou of NUS and his co-authors propose a new way to design stable virtual coins.
This issue also features two case studies. The first article contributed by Mr. Henry Tillman of China Investment Research analyzes infrastructure projects in the Belt and Road Initiative. The second case study is by Katahira Masaki of Eastasia Investment (International) Limited which discusses the concerted effort led by the Japanese government to ensure a successful secondary offering and the dilemma faced by the Japan Post Group.
In the final column section, Prof. Jianbo Gao of Guangxi University along with his co-authors provides analysis of high-speed rail, demonstrating how big data analysis can be applied to aid the development of large infrastructure projects. Mr. Bob He of Bank of China provides first-hand advice on how to identify and manage currency risks.
We hope the Issue 4 could provide valuable information for you. We are looking forward to your comments about the PE Review. Thank you very much.

Released The Third GOSS Forum Proceedings
21 Mar,2019 - Hong Kong
The Third GOSS Forum Proceedings: 2017 Joint Forum on OBOR Initiative - Our Benefits Our Risks has been released.
Dr. Gao’s Appointment of Adjunct Professor by College of Business at City University of Hong Kong
7 May ,2019 - Hong Kong
Dr. Gao was appointed as the Adjunct Professor by College of Business, City University of Hong Kong on 7th May, 2019. He will be invited to share his industry expertise with students and enrich students’ learning experience by teaching short-term courses.
Visiting Prof. Zhang Baohui, the Director of Centre for Asian Pacific Studies of Lingnan University
30 May ,2019 - Hong Kong
Dr. Gao and Dr. Cai visited Prof. Zhang Baohui, the Director of Centre for Asian Pacific Studies of Lingnan University, who were one of the organizer of the 2018 Hong Kong Dialogue : Sino –Japanese Relations: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. They discussed about the 2019 Japanese and Chinese Dialogue in the coming late August.
Accepting the invitation from the Consul- General of Consulate-General Japan in Hong Kong
31 May ,2019 - Hong Kong
Expressing thanks to GOSS Institute of Research Management and Feng Zikai International Cultural Association for promoting friendly exchange between Japan and China, Mr. Mitsuhiro Wada, the Ambassador & Consul- General of Consulate-General Japan in Hong Kong, invited Dr. Gao & Dr. Cai to discuss the coming 2019 Sino- Japanese Dialogue and joint art exhibition in Japan and dined together.
“Establishment of Blockchain Technology & Application Laboratory in Greater Bay Area (International) ” feasibility study meeting in College of Business of City University of Hong Kong
10 June ,2019 - Hong Kong
The meeting was organized by College of Business of City University, The State Information Center and GOSS Institute of Research Management. Professor Way Kuo, the President and University Distinguished Professor of City University of Hong Kong, Mr. Du Ping, Secretary General of the National 13th Five-Year Planning Expert Committee & Vice Chairman of China Talent Science Research Institute, Dr. Lee George Lam, Chairman of Cybersport, and other guests have attended the feasibility study meeting.
Welcome On Board to Crypto Review
02 Jul ,2019 - Hong Kong
Cypto Review is GOSS’s newly founded e-journal focusing on innovative and ground breaking ideas of Crypto. The Inaugural Issue of Crypto Review will be launched in September.
We welcome Dr. Zhong Zhang for joining our Editorial Board as the Editor-in-Chief. Dr. Zhang is currently a Senior Economist at Bates White Economic Consulting, a litigation consulting firm based in Washington, DC. He is an expert in the economic mechanism design, cryptocurrency and especially the blockchain technical features of Bitcoin’s ecosystem. Before he joined Bates Whites, he was an Assistant Professor at City University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Qian Yao (Former Director of the Central Bank Digital Currency Institute), Dr. Wanli Li, (President of Bit Connection Company Limited) and Dr. Chee Wei Tan (Associate Professor of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong) will join the Board as well.
We look forward to more experts and scholars in cryptocurrency joining our team.
Dalton School Hong Kong agreed to work in partnership with Feng Zikai International Cultural Association
08 Aug ,2019 - Hong Kong
On August 8th, Director of Feng Zikai International Cultural Association (FZKICA), Dr. Gao and Executive Director, Dr. Cai had a meeting with Dr. Nancy Du, the Vice Principle of Dalton School Hong Kong (DSHK). Both sides have reached an initial agreement on establishing a long-term partnership to introduce Feng Zikai and promote aesthetic education among children in Hong Kong.
A public lecture on the introduction of Feng Zikai and his art works will be carried out in DSHK later this year. DSHK and FZKICA will work together to design a learning scheme for children to better appreciate Feng Zikai’s artistic spirit and the traditional Chinese virtues presented in his works.
GOSS Joined 33rd ACT Transcultural Seminar
30 Aug ,2019 - Japan
Dr. Gao & Dr. Cai were invited to 33rd ACT Transcultural Seminar in Urabandai, Japan, discussed with the seminar topic “Efforts and International Cooperation toward Regional Revitalization in the New Era”.
Changing Fortunes - Book Sharing
7 Sep ,2019 - Hong Kong
Prof. Yu Wayne W., the Assistant Dean (Executive Education) and Professor of Finance from College of Business at City University gave his first talk on the book Changing Fortunes on the topic of “The World’s Money, US’s International Status and the Future of RMB”. Members of the reader club, Prof. Houming Yan, Prof. Quanjian Gao and Barrister Stephen Char shared their opinions on the topic.
The Inaugural Issue of Crypto Review 1 (Previously PE Review) by GOSS, CBCU & B2
Sep. 30, 2019 - Hong Kong
The inaugural issue of the Crypto Review (Previously PE Review) is released online by GOSS Institute of Research Management, College of Business of City University of Hong Kong and B2 FinTech School.
Why do we convert PE Review to Crypto Review? Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology have rapidly developed after human society entered the 21st century. This technological evolution is leading us to a new Internet era, resulting in the birth of a new round socio-economic changes. We hope that cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology will be a great leap forward along with our transition from PE Review to Crypto Review. Based on this idea, we try to expand our focus from the present topic to a challenging one with novelty, in order to further provide our readers in academia and business industry with cutting edge information of innovation.
We consider Crypto Review as the continuation of that former PE Review. Believing in cryptocurrency and Blockchain to be the next leader bringing great prosperity to the society, Crypto Review will live up to the expectations of our readers, upholding our principles, emphasizing both science and universal values, theory and practice, quality and preciseness. By providing an in-depth exploration of cryptocurrency and Blockchain from both academic and industrial perspectives, Crypto Review will strive for becoming a mainstream interdisciplinary journal to represent a rising new voice leading the development of the industry.
The inaugural issue can be downloaded via the following link:
Visit our webpage to see Crypto Review Vol 1
We hope you will find the new journal informative and inspiring.

Organizing Committee Meeting on 2020 Crypto Forum
14 Oct ,2019 - Hong Kong
On October 14th, GOSS Team Prof. Gao, Dr. Serena Cai and Ms. Isabelle Ng had an organizing committee meeting with Prof. Houmin Yan, Prof. J. Leon Zhao, Prof. Yanzhi Li of College of Business, City University of Hong Kong about the 2020 Crypto Forum. The forum will be held on January 7, 2020 with the theme focusing on the role of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in the future monetary world.
Released The Proceeding of 2018 Dialogue on Sino-Japanese Relations
22 Oct ,2019 - Hong Kong
On 22nd October 2019, the proceeding of 2018 Dialogue on Sino-Japanese Relation Sino-Japanese Relations: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow is released. The proceeding was translated in bilingual, Chinese and Japanese by Beijing Chinese-Foreign Translation & Information Service. We would like to thank the participated speakers and cooperated institutes. We also would like to express our gratitude to GOSS Research Director Dr. Serena Cai and Researcher Ms. Isabelle Ng for the editing and proofreading.
Changing Fortunes - Book Sharing Second Talk
2 Nov ,2019 - Hong Kong
Prof. Yu Wayne W., the Assistant Dean (Executive Education) and Professor of Finance from College of Business at City University gave his second talk on the book Changing Fortunes on the topic of “The World’s Money and the Threat to American Leadership”. Member of the reader club, Mr. Xiaobo He shared his views on the changes in savings of Hong Kong Dollar and US dollar, and also the trend of RMB exchange rate under the current political situation.
Visiting Prof. Zhang Baohui, the Director of Centre for Asian Pacific Studies of Lingnan University
15 Nov ,2019 - Hong Kong
Dr. Gao and Dr. Cai visited Prof. Zhang Baohui, the Director of Centre for Asian Pacific Studies of Lingnan University. They presented Prof. Zhang with the published proceedings of the 2018 Dialogue and discussed the future corporations. Prof. Zhang was one of the organizers of the 2018 Hong Kong Dialogue on Sino –Japanese Relations: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Feng Zi Kai International Cultural Association and the Dalton School of Hong Kong signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
11 Dec ,2019 - Hong Kong
Feng Zi Kai International Cultural Association and the Dalton School Hong Kong signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on establishing a long-term strategic partnership. The two sides will jointly establish the "Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children's Art Education Center". With a series of art activities such as joint exhibitions and lectures, the center aims at passing on Feng Zikai's artistic outlook on life, his belief in “Genuineness, Benevolence and Beauty” to children through aesthetic education..
Partnership between Feng Zikai International Cultural Association and Dalton School Hong Kong
19 Dec ,2019 - Hong Kong
Dr. Serena Cai and Ms. Silvia He visited Dr. Nancy Du, the Vice Principle of Dalton School Hong Kong (DSHK) to discuss the details of the signing ceremony of establishment of partnership between DSHK and Feng Zi Kai International Cultural Association, to be hold on 8 January, 2020. The ceremony will also celebrate the opening of "Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children's Art Education Center".
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association signed a cooperation agreement with the Dalton School of Hong Kong
08 Jan ,2020 - Hong Kong
On January 8th, Feng Zikai International Cultural Association signed a cooperation agreement on establishment of partnership with the Dalton School Hong Kong.
In accordance with the consensus reached by the two sides to promote the aesthetic education of "understanding, learning, promoting, and inheriting Chinese culture" among Hong Kong children, the two sides jointly established "Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children's Art Education Center” and carried out the opening ceremony.
Professor Ambrose Yeo-chi KING, the former president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a well-known educationalist and sociologist, was invited to address a speech and inaugurated the center.
President of GOSS was Invited for the Celebration of The Emperor’s Birthday by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong
21 Jan ,2020 - Hong Kong
Prof. Gao was invited by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong for attending the reception to celebrate the Birthday of The Emperor of Japan on Thursday 20th February, 2020 at Hotel Island Shangri-La Hong Kong.
GOSS proposed to HKSAR Government in the time of fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic
03 Apr ,2020 - Hong Kong
GOSS Institute of Research has proposed to HKSAR Government to increase the operational agility for the existing policies, extend the grace period for document submission and accelerate the approval process. Government and SME should work together initiatively and creatively in the time of fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Proposal to the HKSAR Government Is Under Processing
11 Apr ,2020 - Hong Kong
The HKSAR Government’s Office of the Chief Executive replied to GOSS by email regarding the proposal to increase the operational agility for the existing policies, extend the grace period for document submission and accelerate the approval process.
The proposal sent on 03 Apr 2020, is now under processing.
The First Compilation of GOSS Readers Club Is Under Editing Process
15 Apr ,2020 - Hong Kong
The first compilation of GOSS Readers Club’s sharing sessions is under editing process and will be published soon.
GOSS Readers Club was founded in 2014. In 2019, the Club organized seven sharing sessions with the participation of nearly twenty members.
Ms. Silvia He is transcribing the audio recording of each guest speaker’s sharing from 2019 and collecting the PowerPoint information. Dr. Serena Cai, the Research Director of GOSS has joined hands with Ms. Silvia to edit and review the collected work.
GOSS is Added to Google Map
17 Apr ,2020 - Hong Kong
GOSS is now added to Google Map.You can easily find us on the site for the directions, business hours and other company details.
GOSS is Added to Google Map
17 Apr ,2020 - Hong Kong
GOSS is now added to Google Map.You can easily find us on the site for the directions, business hours and other company details.
Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children's Art Education Center Designing Summer Course for Dalton School Hong Kong
27 Apr ,2020 - Hong Kong
Team of Hong Kong Feng Zi Kai Children's Art Education Center, Dr. Serena Cai, Ms. Isabelle Ng and Ms. Silvia He had a meeting with Mr. Sam Chan, a Hong Kong calligraphy artist on designing a course for the two-weeks summer camp to be held in Dalton School Hong Kong in July.
The course will focus on Feng Zikai’s belief in “Genuineness, Benevolence and Beauty” with the aim to nurture children through aesthetic education.
GOSS Research Preparing for the 2020 Virtual Crypto Forum
27 Apr ,2020 - Hong Kong
The organizing committee of 2020 Crypto Forum decided to change the Forum into a virtual one, adopting a webinar format due to the global ongoing outbreak of COVID-19.
The 2020 Virtual Crypto Forum will be held in June on the theme “The Role of Blockchain in the Post-Pandemic World”. GOSS Research will work as the leading organizer to negotiate forum details with other organizers.
2020 First Book Club Meeting
May 23 ,2020 - Hong Kong
Professor Houmin Yan, the Dean of College of Business, City University of Hong Kong gave a talk on the book Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia by Orlando Figes at the 2020 First GOSS Book Club meeting on 23 May.
The meeting was organized in a Webinar format by Zoom together with offline meeting at College of Business. The attendance broke the record since the establishment of GOSS Book Club. There were 32 members with 21online members and 11 members attending at the venue.
Professional investment expert Dr. Yankun Hou also shared his views on the recent global economy and individual investment strategy.
Virtual Crypto Forum on 16 June, 2020
“The Role of Cryptocurrency- Blockchain in the Post-Pandemic World”
May 25,2020 - Hong Kong
The 2020 Virtual Crypto Forum is confirmed to be held on 16, June on the theme “The Role of Cryptocurrency- Blockchain in the Post-Pandemic World”.
Confirmed speakers include Dr. Yao Qian, the Director of the Science and Technology Supervision Bureau of the China and Securities Regulatory Commission expert, Mr. Du Ping, Secretary General of the National 13th Five-Year Planning Expert Committee & Vice Chairman of China Talent Science Research Institute, Mr. Xiao Feng, the Director and General Manager of Shanghai WanXiang Blockchain Co., Ltd. and founder of WanXiang Blockchain Lab, and Dr. Harald Uhlig, Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago.
Crypto Review Vol. 2 is released online by GOSS, CBCU & B2
Jun. 15, 2020 - Hong Kong
The Crypto Review Vol. 2 is released online by GOSS Institute of Research, College of Business of City University of Hong Kong and B2 FinTech School.
Message from the Editor-in-Chief:
After a long hiatus, our second issue is now online in a very different world. So different that a year ago it would be considered a dystopian sci-fi movie script by any sane person.
This pandemic changed our view on globalization from every angle: the cross-border movement of people, product, capital, and information; the effectiveness of post-cold war institution and US dollar as its reserve currency; the explosion of “fake news” and the scarcity of truth; the struggle between individual liberty and governments’ interest in mass surveillance. A post-pandemic new world must address all these issues to a certain degree. And cryptocurrency, as apolitical money and decentralized ledger, has a role in every single one of them.
The articles in this issue cover digital assets, market analysis for post-halving Bitcoin, the implication of consensus in Bitcoin’s scarcity, and a deep analysis of Bitcoin’s blockchain data.
We hope you find these articles informative. Stay safe!
The inaugural issue can be downloaded via the following link:
Visit our webpage to see Crypto Review Vol 2

2020 GOSS Joint Virtual Crypto Forum with CITYU CB & SDSC, B2, and Crypto Review
Jun.16, 2020 - Hong Kong
The 2020 Virtual Crypto Forum was successfully held on 16 June 2020 at City University of Hong Kong on the theme "The Role of Cryptocurrency – Blockchain in the Post - Pandemic World". Through Webinar by Zoom, more than 250 participants registered the forum and 170 participants were once online at the same time.
This Forum was the First Joint Crypto Forum, also the fourth biennial GOSS Forum. It was jointly organized by College of Business and School of Data Science at City University of Hong Kong (CITYU CB & SDSC), GOSS, B2 FinTech School (B2) and Crypto Review .
Assembling elites from academia and commercial field, the Forum invited 15 guest speakers from various countries and territories including the United States, France, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. All the speeches had provided valuable insights on the development and application of crypto and Blockchain integration, their social and economic significances in the post-pandemic world.
Prof. Way Kuo, the President and University Distinguished Professor at City University of Hong Kong, delivered a welcoming address to kick start the forum with Prof. Houmin Yan, the Acting Dean of the College of Business, addressing the Opening. Prof. S Joe Qin, the Dean of School of Data Science and Dr. Michael C. S. Wong, the EMBA Director chaired the morning and afternoon sessions respectively.
Click here to know more about the details of the Forum
2020 GOSS Joint Virtual Crypto Forum is reported in the News of College of Business, CityU
Jun.22, 2020 - Hong Kong
The College of Business at City University of Hong Kong reported the 2020 GOSS Joint Virtual Crypto Forum in their official website on 22 June.
We hope our joint conference gathering leading scholars and field practitioners together helped to make positive impacts on the development and application of blockchain and cryptocurrency for a fair, secure and more efficient community as it stated in the welcome address of CityU President, Professor Way Kuo.
We would like to thank again for the organizing committee of the forum from our GOSS team comprised Professor QJ GAO, President; Dr. Serena Cai, Director, Strategy and Research and Ms. Isabelle Ng, Researcher.
For more details of the news, please click:
2020 Second Book Club Meeting
Jun.27, 2020 - Hong Kong
Professor Houmin Yan, the Dean of College of Business, City University of Hong Kong gave the second talk on the book Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia by Orlando Figes at the 2020 Second GOSS Book Club meeting on 27 June. Professional economic expert Dr. Xiaobo He also shared his views on “Global Exchange Rates during the Pandemic Era”.
The meeting was organized in a Webinar format by Zoom together with offline meeting at College of Business.
GOSS Research Submitted the “Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund” Application to the Trade and Industry Department –The Government of HKSAR
Jun.30, 2020 - Hong Kong
With the belief to support SMEs in Hong Kong for the integration of blockchain technologies in business and investigation into application scenarios, GOSS Research has submitted the application of “Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund” (TSF). The fund is set to enhance the competitiveness of non-listed Hong Kong enterprises in general or in specific sectors.
GOSS Institute of Research has been investigating into blockchain technology since early 2018. In this application, GOSS Research has planned a comprehensive 2-year project — “Based on the research of Blockchain technology and application, to enhance the competitive edge of Hong Kong enterprises, to support the HKSAR in accelerating the process of achieving Smart City development strategy”.
Blockchain is considered as a “The Trust Machine” which assures people to reach a consensus without any central planner or authority. With the implementation of workshops, symposiums, international forums and issuing of journals listed in the project proposal, GOSS Research aims to create a platform gathering leading scholars and field practitioners together to make positive impacts on the development and application of blockchain and cryptocurrency for a fair, secure and more efficient community.
Discussion on application for “D-Biz Programme” implemented by Innovation and Technology Commission
Jul.10, 2020 - Hong Kong
In order to continue promoting Feng Zikai’s belief in “Genuineness, Benevolence and Beauty” despite the impacts of COVID-19, Deputy Executive Director of Feng Zikai Culture Exchange Association, Ms. Isabelle Ng has proposed to apply for the “Distance Business Programme” (D-Biz Programme) launched by the Government implementing by Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). The fund aims to support local enterprises’ business and services during the coronavirus outbreak.
A 6-months detailed plan consisted of three IT solutions suggested by Ms. Isabelle is discussed with Professor QJ GAO, President and Dr. Serena Cai, Executive Director. The implementation of D-Biz Programme will set up an e-shop, a distance learning platform and a Virtual Reality (VR) online exhibition for the association.
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association Submitted “D-Biz Programme” Application to the Hong Kong Productivity Council – The Government of HKSAR
Aug.11, 2020 - Hong Kong
The application of the Distance Business Programme (“D-Biz Programme”) was submitted to The Hong Kong Productivity Council (“HKPC”) ,the Secretariat of the programme.
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association Received Approved Disbursement Notice of “D-Biz Programme” From the Hong Kong Productivity Council – The Government of HKSAR
Sep.13, 2020 - Hong Kong
The application of the Distance Business Programme (“D-Biz Programme”) was approved by the Hong Kong Productivity Council.
The disbursement will be used to develop an e-shop webpage with a membership system for the Feng Zikai International Cultural Association. Other approved IT solutions include e-marketing and promotion by setting up a link between the webpages of e-shop and Facebook.
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association Meeting with Rotary Club of Kwun Tong
Sep.14, 2020 - Hong Kong
On 13 Sep, 2020, Deputy Vice President of Feng Zikai International Cultural Association, Ms. Isabelle Ng had a lunch meeting with Mr. Li, Deputy Vice President of Rotary Club of Kwun Tong on cooperation opportunities between two parties.
Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children's Art Education Center Meet for the Online Art Competition
Sep.14, 2020 - Hong Kong
On 14 Sep, 2020, the executive team of Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children's Art Education Center had a meeting on preparation work for the First Feng Zikai- Online Children’s Art Competition. Dr. Nancy Du from Dalton School of Hong Kong, Ms. Isabelle Ng and Ms. Silvia He from Feng Zikai International Cultural Association attended the meeting.
The competition is designed based on Feng Zikai’s art work and his philosophy of education. It aims to promote aesthetic education through participation of children and teenagers in Hong Kong.
According to Dr. Nancy Du, the school has designated the the school year 2020/2021 the “Year of Feng Zikai”. Activities and school subjects will be designed in concert with Feng Zikai’s humanistic spirit - benevolence, aesthetics and the caring of people.
Online Lecture “Taste of Humanity —Feng Zikai’s World of Art”
Sep.28, 2020 - Hong Kong
On Sep 28th, Ms. Wang Yi Zhu, the Artistic Director of Feng Zikai International Cultural Association, gave an online lecture on the topic “Arts of Feng Zikai — Taste of Humanity”. The lecture was organized by Dalton School Hong Kong. More than 30 participants joined this event.
2020 Third Book Club Meeting
Oct.10, 2020 - Hong Kong
The 2020 Third Book Club meeting was held by GOSS Book Club on 10 Oct, 2020. Professor Liu Wenfei from the College of Foreign Languages at Capital Normal University was invited to give the talk “ From Alexander Pushkin to Joseph Brodsky – the Change of Style in Russian Poetry ” .
Almost one hundred participants joined the sharing session, with more than ninety online attendance and eight club members attending at the offline venue. Participants included members of GOOS Book Club, and colleagues and students of Professor Liu. The attendance broke the record again this year since the establishment of GOSS Book Club.
The meeting was organized in a Webinar format by Zoom together with offline meeting at College of Business, City University of Hong Kong.
China Nature Energy Technology Holdings Limited – Listing Celebration Dinner
Oct.20, 2020 - Hong Kong
Dr. Gao and the GOSS team attended the listing celebration dinner of GOSS’s partner, China Nature Energy Technology Holdings Limited in the evening of Oct 20th, 2020.
China Nature Energy Technology Holdings Limited (Stock code: 1597) is a wind power and pitch control system solution provider in the PRC ranking third in the domestic pitch control system market. It successfully listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") on the same day.
Crypto Review Special Issue Vol. 1 is released online by GOSS, CBCU & B2
Nov.02, 2020 - Hong Kong
The Crypto Review Special Issue Vol. 1 is released online by GOSS Institute of Research, College of Business of City University of Hong Kong and B2 FinTech School.
Message from the Editor-in-Chief:
In this special issue, we present eight articles distilled from invited speeches during the 2020 Virtual Crypto Forum: The Role of Cryptocurrency – Blockchain in the Post - Pandemic World .
During the past year, significant developments have occurred in the cryptocurrency field. Decentralized ecosystems, such as Bitcoin, successfully endured great market volatility caused by the pandemic, economic recession, and political uncertainty. Meanwhile, a new wave of crypto financing experiment, DeFi, is flourishing across many blockchain platforms. Government backed central bank digital currency (CBDC) projects have gained increasing support in mainstream monetary discussions.
On the flip side, regulators have started to tame the “wild west” development of crypto industry, followed by private litigations against various parties accused of illegal activities. We believe this is just the beginning of an enduring struggle.
Therefore, we present the authors’ perspectives without a subjective position. We believe market competition will naturally select the most adaptive idea in the long run.
Hope you find the articles in Crypto Review Special Issue Vol. 1 informative. Should you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. Stay safe!
The inaugural issue can be downloaded via the following link:
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association Signed Distance Business Programme Agreement with Hong Kong Productivity Council – The Government of HKSAR
Nov.03, 2020 - Hong Kong
Ms. Isabelle Ng, Deputy Executive Director of Feng Zikai International Cultural Association signed the Distance Business Programme (“D-Biz Programme”) Agreement with the Secretariat, Hong Kong Productivity Council.
The D-Biz Programme was launched by the Innovation and Technology Commission under the Anti-epidemic Fund to support enterprises to continue their business and services through adoption of IT solutions during the epidemic.
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association Discussed the Web Structure with IT Vendor for the Funded D- Biz Programme
Nov.10, 2020 - Hong Kong
Dr. Serena Cai, Ms. Isabelle Ng and Ms. Yan Chan discussed the designed web structure with the IT vendor.
Art Exhibition “Protection for Living Beings” Officially Opened in Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children's Art Education Center at Dalton School Hong Kong
Nov.24, 2020 - Hong Kong
With the support of Feng Zikai International Cultural Association and the founding director Dr. Feng Yu, the series of works of "Protection for Living Beings" was exhibited as the second on-campus exhibition of Feng Zikai's art works after the establishment of Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children's Art Education Center.
Feng Zikai and his teacher Master Hongyi jointly created a complete set of six volumes of "Protection for Living Beings" . The creative process spans forty-six years. The series of artworks with combination of paintings and poetry promotes the harmony and equality between man and nature. Feng Zikai once said: “Protects lives of nature also protects the heart. One should eliminate cruelty, cultivate compassion, and treat others in the world with the same attitude. This is the main purpose of protecting life."
In this exhibition, a total of 16 works have been selected from "Protection for Living Beings ", including classic paintings such as "Today and Tomorrow", "Vitality", and "Cooking Eel". It is hoped to convey the concept of "protecting life, protecting the heart" to children. Through the concept of "vibrancy" and "rebirth" shown in the theme of the painting, it is also hoped to dispel the gloomy emotions brought by the pandemic and shines a pure light into the lives of children.
2020 Fourth Book Club Meeting
Nov. 28, 2020 - Hong Kong
The 2020 Fourth Book Club meeting was held by GOSS Book Club on 28 Nov, 2020.
Ms. Xu Heng, graduated from the Mozarteum University Salzburg, the First Violin from Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra was invited to give the talk “The Brilliant Russian Music” for the 2020 Fourth Book Club Meeting. Ms. Xu introduced three great musicians of the Russia’s Golden and Silver Ages — Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky and Dmitriy Dmitriyevich Shostakovich by adopting classical music theories and giving live violin playing.
The meeting was organized in a Webinar format by Zoom together with offline meeting at the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong.
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association’s WeChat Official Account is Launched
Dec. 11, 2020 - Hong Kong
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association’s WeChat Official Account aims to promote Feng Zikai’s art works, humanistic spirit, and connect people around the world.
Scan the QR code below to follow Feng Zikai International Cultural Association’s WeChat Official Account to get the most updated news of our association.
Registration to The First "Feng Zikai ‧ Teaching with Love" Hong Kong Children's Art Creation Competition is Now Open
Dec. 18, 2020 - Hong Kong
Jointly organized by the Hong Kong Feng Zikai Children’s Art Education Center, Feng Zikai International Cultural Association, and Hong Kong Dalton School, the First "Feng Zikai ‧ Teaching with Love" Hong Kong Children's Art Creation Competition is launched on 18 Dec 2020.
Application can be submitted and processed through scanning of QR code below
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association Meeting with Political Assistant to Secretary for Education - Hong Kong Government
Dec. 31, 2020 - Hong Kong
On December 31, Feng Zikai International Cultural Association hosted an online meeting with Mr. Jeff Sze, the Political Assistant to the Secretary of Education of Hong Kong. The meeting introduced the Association and our activities, discussed how to develop in-depth cooperation in the field of education in Hong Kong, and sought advices from Mr. Sze on the promotion of the First Hong Kong Children's Art Creation Competition.
2021 First Book Club Meeting
Jan. 09, 2021 - Hong Kong
The 2021 First Book Club meeting was held by GOSS Book Club on 9 January,2021.
Prof. Yang Cheng, the doctoral supervisor of Shanghai International Studies University who previously worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served in the Chinese Embassy in Russia for nearly five years was invited to give the talk on “The Collapse of a Big Country: the Logic Behind the Disintegration of the Soviet Union”.
Prof. Yang shared the logic behind the Soviet Union’s disintegration in a multi-dimensional manner — from angles of history and reality, tradition and transformation, accident and necessity, multi-ethnicity and single culture, national consciousness and the background of the time.
The meeting was organized in a Webinar format by Zoom together with offline meeting at College of Business.
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association visited the Chairmen of the New Territories School Heads Association and the Hong Kong Island School Heads Association
Jan. 13, 2021 - Hong Kong
On January 13, the team of Feng Zikai International Cultural Association visited Principal Mr. Yau Siu Hung, the Chairman of the New Territories School Heads Association, and Principal Fong Chung Lun, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Island School Heads Association respectively.
The team introduced the association’s establishment background, purpose, past and future activitiesto the two chairmen. The two parties exchanged views on how to further promote the First Hong Kong Children's Art Creation Competition in Hong Kong.
Prof. Quanjian Gao, the Founding Director of the association, Dr. Serena Cai, the Executive Director, and Ms. Isabelle Ng, the Deputy Director, attended the meeting.
2021 First Book Club Meeting
Jan. 30, 2021 - Hong Kong
The 2021 Second Book Club meeting was held by GOSS Book Club on 30 Jan, 2021.
Prof. Wu Yangbo, graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, China majoring in Art Theory, now teaching at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts was invited to give the talk “The Art History of Western Oil Painting Art History and the Russian Oil Painting Art” for the 2021 Second Book Club Meeting.
Prof. Wu introduced the Russian realist artists: Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy, Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, etc, the iconic artists of Peredvizhniki in the late 19th century. He also mentioned the modernism period of Russian arts and the different perspectives of Eastern and Western society towards the Russian arts.
The meeting was organized in a Webinar format by Zoom together with offline meeting at the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong.
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association was invited to visit the State Theatre Shopping Arcade, North Point
Apr. 19, 2021 - Hong Kong
Feng Zikai International Cultural Association was invited by Ms. Lancy Kung, Fellow of Social Enterprise Research Academy to visit the State Theatre Shopping Arcade, North Point.
Ms. Isabelle Ng, deputy director the association visited the State Theatre together with Dr. Chen Heng, Director and Mr. Luo Hao, Researcher at Level 4 of Department of Educational, Scientific and Technology Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in The Hong Kong S.A.R., Mr. Jeff Sze, the Political Assistant to Secretary of Education, Mr. Ip Kai Yiu, Kelvin, the Curriculum Development Officer of the Government of the Hong Kong S.A.R, Principal Mr. Yau Siu Hung, the Chairman of the New Territories School Heads Association, Principal Fong Chung Lun, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Island School Heads Association, and Principal Ms. Cheung Yee May, Mimi, the Chairman of Kowloon Region School Heads Association.
Joint Laboratories for Ethereum Data in Asia Launching Ceremony
Jul. 01, 2021 - Hong Kong
The founding members of Crypto Review’s editorial board were invited by Prof. James Lai from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to join the launching ceremony of Joint Laboratories for Ethereum Data in Asia on 1 July, 2021. Dr. Gao participated the unveiling ceremony and Dr. Serena Cai gave a presentation introducing Crypto Review to the attending guests.
2021 Third Book Club Meeting
Aug. 21, 2021 - Hong Kong
Dr. Xie Yanan, researcher with a doctorate degree in Philosophy from Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, gave the talk “The Feast of Thoughts” on the book A Brief Introduction to German Philosophy at the 2021 third GOSS Book Club meeting on 21 August. The talk gave rise to a heat discussion after the sharing.
The meeting was organized in a Webinar format by Zoom together with offline meeting at College of Business, City University.
GOSS Research Team Meeting with Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong
Oct. 11, 2021 - Hong Kong
On behalf of GOSS Research Team, Dr. Gao and Dr. Cai were invited to a regular dinner meeting with consuls of Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong on 11 Oct 2021. Ms. Mari TAKADA, Deputy Consul General, Mr. Makoto FURUE, Director of Political Division and Ms. Miho TAKAHASHI, Vice Consul (Public Relations & Cultural Affairs Division) attended the dinner.
During the meeting, Ms. Mari TAKADA and Dr. Gao both expressed their willingness to continue the in-depth communication between GOSS Research and the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong on the topic of China-Japan relations. Both sides are looking forward to co-organizing cultural exchange events in Hong Kong in the coming future.
Crypto Review : From a E-journal to a Blockchain Community
Nov. 14, 2021 - Hong Kong
In collaboration with Blockchain technology company, Hieroglyph, The Crypto Review is now under a transition from a traditional e-journal to a more dynamic and interactive blockchain community.
Japan and China-U.S. Relations Online Forum
Dec. 10, 2021 - Hong Kong
On behalf of GOSS Research Team, President Dr. Gao has attended the Japan and China-U.S. Relations Online Forum on 10 Dec 2021. The forum was jointly organized by The Carter Center, Chinese Research Center, News China, Dragoon Eagle TV and supported by GOSS Research.
2022 is the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. For half a century, Sino-Japanese relations have always been closely connected with Sino-US relations and the Japan-US alliance. Keynote speaker Professor Zhang Yun, previous visiting scholar of Center for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS) has studied Sino-US-Japan relations for many years. He combined his research and interview experience in the three countries and analyzed the changes in Sino-US-Japan relations in the past 10 years and the variables in 2022 through a combination of academic theory and policy.
Suggestion to build a digital science and art laboratory based on version Web 3.0
Dec. 21, 2021 - Hong Kong
GOSS has long been concerned with the development of blockchain technology bringing people into the meta-universe. President Dr. Gao researched what role should creative media play in this changing era as Hong Kong needs to catch up in this new wave of digital technology development. GOSS proposed to the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong to build a digital science and art laboratory based on version Web 3.0 in order to promote academic research and put scientific and artistic activities into practice.
Lunch Meeting with Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong
Jan. 05, 2022 - Hong Kong
On Wednesday 5th January 2022, Dr. GAO, Dr. Serena Cai had lunch meeting with meeting with consuls of Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong. Mr. Makoto FURUE, Director of Political Division, Ms. Mamiko TANAKA, Director of Public Relations & Cultural Affairs Division, Ms. Miho TAKAHASHI, Vice Consul (Public Relations & Cultural Affairs Division) attended the meeting.
During the meeting, they discussed the online forum held in December 2021 on Japan and China-U.S. Relations supported by GOSS Research and the potential commemorative activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. The topics discussed included the possibility of organizing different forums, conferences and cultural exchange activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary.
Co-establishing a cross-border e-commerce platform on healthcare market
Jan. 11, 2022 - Hong Kong
On Monday 10th January, Dr. Gao, Dr. Cai and Ms. Isabelle had a meeting with Forty-Nine Union, a Chinese e-commerce platform focusing on healthcare and lifestyle. Both parties shared thoughts on co-establishing a Hong Kong-based logistics hub to expand the company’s cross-border e-commerce business. The first phase of the cooperation would be regional market research on global healthcare products.
Discussion on NFT Minting Campaign
Jan. 18, 2022 - Hong Kong
On Tuesday 18th January, Dr. Cai and Ms. Isabelle Ng discussed with the PR manager of a property-owning company about the possible cooperation on NFT membership programme and NFT digital gallery exhibition in one of their commercial properties.
Cinfinix Officially Launched Today, June 22, 2022
June. 22, 2022 - Hong Kong
Our partner Cinfinix -the NFT Social Platform is officially launched today on 22 June, 2022. Cinfinix believes that every personal value can be endowed with the functional attributes of NFT. It combines social functions and enables users to earn reward points to mint their own NFT for free. The “Cinfinix App” can be downloaded through the App store or Google Play.
Download Cinfinix App:
App store:
Google Play:
Know more:
Visit to the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Manchester Business School (AMBS)
Jul. 31, 2022 - Hong Kong
Dr. Gao Quanjian and Prof. Yan Houmin, as part of an academic visiting delegation, visited the Manchester Business School from July 31 to August 5, 2022. They engaged in academic exchanges and discussions with Prof. Dong-Ling, Prof. Jianbo Yang, Prof. Yuwang Chen, as well as graduate students at the school. Additionally, they had the opportunity to visit the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Manchester Business School (AMBS).
Happy Lunar New Year 2023
Jan. 26, 2023 - Hong Kong
Happy New Year! May the Year of the Rabbit bring you good health, success in your work, and happiness in your life. Wish you will be as agile and intelligent as a rabbit and achieve more success in the new year. Wishing you a happy and healthy Year of the Rabbit!
Invitation from IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics to Serve as a Reviewer
Apr. 28, 2023 - Hong Kong
On April 28, 2023, Dr. Gao Quanjian received an invitation from IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics to serve as a reviewer for the research paper titled "Evidential reasoning rule and its perturbation analysis under mutil-discernment framework." Dr. Gao graciously accepted the invitation and diligently submitted the review. Additionally, Dr. Gao received a gratitude letter from the organizer.
Dr. Serena Cai Completed MBA Academic Visit at London Business School, United Kingdom
Jul. 31, 2023 - Hong Kong
GOSS Research Institute Research & Strategy Director, Dr. Serena Cai has successfully completed an academic visit for her MBA program at London Business School, United Kingdom in July 2023.
Research Meeting at Big Data Research Institute of the Shenzhen Greater Bay Area
Aug. 24, 2023 - Hong Kong
Cinfinix CEO Dr. Serena Cai conducted research at the Big Data Research Institute of the Shenzhen Greater Bay Area with Professor Yan Houmin, Director of the Artificial Intelligence Financial Technology Laboratory (AIFT), and Dr. Wei Guoming, Development Manager. They had discussions with Big Data Research Institute’s Honorary Chairman Du Ping, Vice President Li Lin, and others.
Cinfinix attended Hong Kong Web3 Summer Summit
Aug. 25, 2023 - Hong Kong
Cinfinix CEO Dr. Serena Cai and Operations Director Ms. Isabelle Ng attended Hong Kong Web3 Summer Summit at The University of Hong Kong. Speeches were given by Dr. Xiao Feng, Founder of Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, HashKey Digital Asset Group, Dr. Rocky Tung Director, Head (Policy Research) Financial Services Development Council, Mr Peter YAN King-shun, JP, CEO of Cyberport, and others.
Ms. Isabelle Ng Completed Master's degree in Non-Profit Management Studies at the University of Hong Kong
Sep. 25, 2023 - Hong Kong
GOSS Research Institute Operation Director Ms. Isabelle Ng Tsz Yan has completed her Master's degree in Non-Profit Management Studies at the University of Hong Kong in September 2023.
GOSS Research Institute Established "Mirror Site"
Oct. 13, 2023 - Hong Kong
The official website of the GOSS Research Institute established "mirror sites" on October 13, 2023 with domain name
GOSS Research Director Dr. Gao Visited AIFT and Discussed the Cross-Border Supply Chain Finance Project
Oct. 24, 2023 - Hong Kong
GOSS Research Director, Dr. Gao Quanjian, recently paid a visit to The Laboratory for AI-Powered Financial Technologies Limited (AIFT). During the visit, Dr. Gao engaged in discussions regarding the cross-border supply chain finance project with AIFT's Director, Prof. Yan Houmin, and a group of talented EMBA students.
GOSS Research Director Dr. Gao Visited City University of Hong Kong to Discuss RAISe+ Funding Scheme
Oct. 26, 2023 - Hong Kong
GOSS Research Director, Dr. Gao Quanjian visited the City University of Hong Kong and discussed with Prof. LIU Guangwu on the RAISe+ Funding Scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITC). The scheme aims to support university’s research teams with good potential to transform, realize, and commercialize the R&D outcomes and become successful startups.
GOSS Research Director Dr. Gao Visited City University of Hong Kong and Reached Initial Cooperation Agreement on RAISe+ Funding Scheme
Nov. 09, 2023 - Hong Kong
GOSS Research Director, Dr. Gao Quanjian visited Prof. LIU Guangwu of the City University of Hong Kong and have forged an initial cooperation agreement during their discussions regarding the RAISe+ Funding Scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITC).
Dr. Gao Quanjian and Leading Experts Gather at AIFT Laboratory to Explore Commercialization of Research Outcomes and Policy Recommendations for e-HKD
Nov. 24, 2023 - Hong Kong
On November 24th, Dr. Gao Quanjian, Director of GOSS Research and Hieroglyph Digital Technology, visited the AIFT Laboratory at Hong Kong Science Park. He met with Professors Liu Guangwu from the College of Business at City University of Hong Kong and Hong Liu from Fudan University, along with Prof. Yan Houmin, the Director of AIFT Laboratory.
They discussed research directions and topics for the RAISe+ Scheme, with a focus on commercializing research outcomes and providing policy recommendations to the Hong Kong government through the application of electronic Hong Kong Dollar (e-HKD).
Promoting Peace through Art: Collaborative Discussion Marks Feng Zikai's 125th Birth Anniversary, Explores High-Quality Replicas and Digital Collectibles
Nov. 27, 2023 - Hong Kong
To commemorate the 125th birth anniversary of Feng Zikai, GOSS Research led the organization of the Feng Zikai International Cultural Association , Hieroglyph Digitial Technologies, Dr. Feng Yu, the grandson of Feng Zikai, Researcher Wang Yizhu, and iSunOne, among other institutions and experts, for a collaborative discussion on the production of high-quality replicas and Digital Collectibles.
By focusing on Feng Zikai's artistic legacy on peace advocacy and using web3 technologies , the initiative aimed to create a platform that transcends geographical boundaries and promotes peaceful exchanges and interactions among individuals worldwide. The goal was to leverage art as a universal language to foster a sense of unity and harmony among diverse communities.
Commemorating the 125th Birth Anniversary of Feng Zikai “2023 FZK Peace Series Digital Collection” Coming Soon
Dec. 12, 2023 - Hong Kong
To commemorate the 125th birth anniversary of Feng Zikai, the Feng Zikai International Cultural Association, in collaboration with Cinfinix, the all-in-one Web3 digital economy platform, is set to launch the "2023 FZK Peace Series Digital Collection" on December 20th. This collaboration coincides with the anniversary of the Hong Kong government's policy statement on development of Virtual Assets. The digital collection will feature artworks reflecting Feng Zikai's legacy and his commitment to peace.
This event is a charity sale with the full support of Dr. Feng Yu, Feng Zikai’s grandson. The digital collections are sold in sets, including a digital collectible token that can be directly redeemed for a limited-edition replica of a Feng Zikai’s art masterpiece, as well as a digital benefits token that provides exclusive privileges for "Feng Zikai" enthusiasts. A total of 125 sets will be issued, catering to art collectors worldwide, including those in Hong Kong and other regions.
The "Peace Series" charity sale is one of the series of activities in the "Commemorating the 125th Birth Anniversary of Feng Zikai". It aims to speak volume about the current global geopolitical shifts, promote the theme of "peace" and highlight Feng Zikai's artistic philosophy of criticizing realism and advocating for world peace in his artworks. The event seeks to convey Feng Zikai's eternal humanistic and artistic ideals, which are filled with hope for life, and to ignite a renewed desire for peace in the world. Its aspiration is to preserve the beauty of peace in the world for a long time to come.
Feng Zikai is an outstanding figure in the history of modern and contemporary Chinese culture and art. He excelled in various artistic disciplines, including painting, prose, calligraphy, translation, fine arts, seal engraving, and music theory education. His artistic achievements have had a profound impact on the development of Chinese art and culture.
The "2023 FZK Peace Series Digital Collection" features a selection of Feng Zikai's artworks, which are owned by Feng Zikai family. These include five authentic works "Eternal Peace", "Vitality", "News of Victory", "Peace", and "Resurrection". These artworks have been exhibited in art exhibitions held in Hong Kong, Beijing, Hangzhou, and other locations over the past decade. They are favored by the public and possess significant artistic and collectible value.
The "2023 FZK Peace Series Digital Collection" released in this event are priced at USD700 per set (also available for purchase using stablecoin USDC, Hong Kong dollars, or Chinese yuan). Buyers can use the "Collectible Token" to directly redeemed for a limited-edition replica of a Feng Zikai’s artwork. These replicas are authorized by the copyright onwers of the Feng Zikai family and are produced in Tongxiang, Feng Zikai's birthplace. Each replica is marked with a unique serial number, Feng Zikai's seal, and autograph of his grandson Dr. Feng Yu.
The "Benefits Token" included in the set provides several exclusive privileges for "Feng Zikai" enthusiasts, such as permanent membership of the Feng Zikai International Cultural Association and priority participation in Feng Zikai's artistic events, etc.
With the uniqueness and non-replicability of digital collectibles, buyers can not only collect physical replica artworks but also freely transfer the digital collectibles through the partnering platform Cinfinix. They can also share the intellectual property revenue with the issuer.
The Feng Zikai International Cultural Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting international cultural and academic exchanges of Feng Zikai's art, thoughts, and works. It has organized various events such as "Poetry and Charm: Feng Zikai Meets Takehisa Yumeji" and “Feng Zikai: Educated with Only Great Love” The Inaugural Hong Kong Children's Art Competition.The Association’s focus is on fostering appreciation and understanding of Feng Zikai's artistic legacy.
Cinfinix is an all-in-one Web3 digital economy platform. It enables the direct mapping of real-world assets (RWA) onto the blockchain, unlocking their true digital value. Leveraging the interactive and community-driven nature of Web3, Cinfinix designs innovative multi-token value models that effectively link art, consumer goods, creators, individuals, and communities within a value chain.
"2023 FZK Peace Series Digital Collection" marks the first time Feng Zikai's artworks together with their physical and digital value operated on the blockchain. The collaboration utilizes blockchain technology to transcend the limitations of time and space in the dissemination and inheritance of Feng Zikai's art and artistic philosophy. It aims to provide a convenient and accessible opportunity for art lovers worldwide to engage with Feng Zikai's art in an innovative manner, and facilitate the seamless transfer and sharing of digital assets while capturing the true value of Feng Zikai's art in the digital realm.
For more information, please visit the official website:, or email to

Book Launch for Prof. King Yeo-Chi’s “The Idea of A University” at CUHK Press
Nov. 11, 2024 - Hong Kong
Hong Kong, November 11, 2024 —Dr. Gao and Dr. Cai were invited by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press to attend the Book Launch Event of The Idea of A University written by Prof. King Yeo-Chi, Ambrose on November 11, 2024. Prof. King is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, was elected as Academician of Academia Sinica in Taiwan in 1994 and former Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Strategic Collaboration to Innovate Financial Services for SME Cross-Border E-Commerce
Nov. 12, 2024 - Hong Kong
Hong Kong, November 12, 2024 — The Artificial Intelligence Financial Technology Laboratory (AIFT) and China Zheshang Bank (CZB) Hong Kong Branch have convened a strategic meeting on November 12, 2024, at the Hong Kong Science Park, to explore new applications of financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the cross-border e-commerce sector, leveraging AI technology.
The meeting, chaired by Professor Yan Houmin, Director of AIFT, and Vice President of CZB Hong Kong Branch, Qian Feng, focused on creating new scenarios for financial services applications for SMEs in cross-border e-commerce. The agenda included an introduction to AIFT's background and mission, a discussion on an e-commerce credit service platform based on a cross-border e-commerce financing risk control model, and an overview of CZB's background and strategic positioning for creating new financial service scenarios for SMEs.
AIFT showcased its e-commerce credit service platform, emphasizing its core technology, data acquisition, risk quantification, and practical results. CZB detailed its development journey, business chain, corporate scale, inclusive finance, and financial technology support, highlighting its strategic positioning and mission in Hong Kong. Chang'an Inkasso, the strategic partner of AIFT, demonstrated effective business models and achievements.
The meeting concluded with a consensus on the necessity to establish strategic collaboration and an effective working mechanism between the three parties to expedite the creation of new financial credit service scenarios for SMEs in cross-border e-commerce.
This meeting was initiated by GOSS Research and Alpha First Limited. The latter company is a spin-off of AIFT, a cutting-edge fintech startup focused on delivering advanced analytics and innovative solutions for the cryptoasset market.
AIFT Team:
Yan Houmin, Director of AIFT
Victor Liu Xiaoyong, Head of Commercialization of AIFT
Alina Li Na, Senior Manager of Development of AIFT
Wang Tingting, Cross-Border E-Commerce Product Manager of AIFT
Gao Quanjian, Senior Advisor of AIFT, Co-founder of Alpha First Limited
Serena Cai Qing, COO of Alpha First Limited
Chang'an Inkasso Team:
Zheng Haiming, Executive Director and General Manager of Chang'an Inkasso
Shi Lei, Deputy General Manager of Chang'an Inkasso Chang'an Inkasso, General Manager of Changyin Technology
Diao Wen, Assistant to the General Manager of Chang'an Inkasso
Lin Xiaomin, Product Manager of Changyin Technology
CZB Hong Kong Branch Team
Qian Feng, Deputy Manager of CZB Hong Kong Branch
Zhao Chen, General Manager & Head of Cross-Border Banking Department of CZB Hong Kong Branch
Liu Shangwen, General Manager of the Credit Review Department of CZB Hong Kong Branch
Jiang Yi, Chief Reviewer of the Credit Review Department of CZB Head Office
Xie Yan, Researcher of CZB